Best Peppers to Grow in 2024!
Here are our top picks for peppers to grow in your garden. These delicious selections are productive and easy to grow so you'll enjoy a colorful and tasty harvest of peppers in 2024.

5. Serrano Tampiqueno
A classic. A very versatile pepper with a little more heat than a jalapeno and a little smaller. Pickle it, grill it, chop it into salsa fresca. Very flavorful and delicious.

6. Hot Cherry Pepper
Just the right amount of sweetness and heat. The right choice to make awesome stuffed peppers and it is great diced up into a hot pepper jam or brine. Perfect for all Italian American cooking. Extremely productive plants.
A long-time customer favorite, these plants produce huge tasty pods with thick flesh, great for chile rellenos and chile.

A popular habanero that has a distinct delicious flavor not found in other habaneros. It is sweet fresh and tastes good before the heat. Great for salsas!
Great for short-season climates. Lighter and more delicate than bell peppers are part of this pepper's charm, because of its less assertive taste and thin flesh.
Also known as the Halaby pepper, is commonly used as chile flakes in Mediterranean cuisine. This hot and tasty pepper has a beautiful deep red color, rich fruity undertones and aromatic flavor. These mature in about 80-90 days and have a hot heat level of 10,000 Scovilles.
Growing peppers in Containers?
Check out our Best Peppers for Containers »
have a successful harvest this season!
Happy growing!