If you're like us, you can never get enough salsa! So why not grow your own salsa garden? Looking for salsa garden seeds? We have you covered with over 100 peppers from around the world, plus lots of heirloom tomatoes, too, that make the BEST salsa ever! Grow your own salsa garden!
Salsa Garden Kit
Check out our salsa garden kit and grow your own salsa! Our Salsa Garden Seeds are perfect for any salsa-lover. Our fabulous Salsa Garden Kit has four packets of seeds to get your salsa garden started. Here's what is included:
1. San Marzano Tomatoes
San Marzano has thick flesh and very few seeds so they make great, thick salsa. With a deliciously strong tomato taste that is sweet, but not acidic, these tomatoes will start to ripen in about 80 days and then will produce lots of plum-type fruit over a long season.
2. Early Jalapenos
These short season Early Jalapeños have nice, thick flesh and a medium jalapeno heat to give salsa a spicy kick. Fast growing, you'll be harvesting jalapeños starting in just 65 days! Every salsa garden should have jalapenos – however, if you want to play around with different flavored or spicier salsas, grow any of our hot peppers and super hot peppers to make a variety of salsa flavors from your garden! Check out all of our Salsa Recipes for inspiration.
3. White Lisbon Bunching Onion
Of course no salsa is complete without the flavor of onions! We love chopping up green bunching onions for our salsas, they give it tons of flavor and nice color, too. Our White Lisbon Bunching Onion is mild and a fast-growing onion that does not form a bulb. It's super easy to grow, therefore it's very dependable, and makes a great salsa garden addition!
4. Cilantro
We also think that no salsa garden is complete without Cilantro. Love it or hate it? We love it, and think it tastes awesome in salsa. Even people who don't like cilantro often like salsa with cilantro! It imparts a flavor profile that is delicious - and complements the hot peppers and tomatoes very nicely. Cilantro is a cool-season plant that grows quickly, once it gets hot they usually will start to bloom. But, leave them to flower to attract lots of beneficial insects and pollinators to your garden, they LOVE cilantro blooms! Plus, if you let them go to seed you can collect the pods (also known as coriander) to sow a new generation of cilantro (or use in your kitchen). Cilantro leaves have a citrusy bite and the entire plant is edible – we usually chop up the stems and all to put into our salsas (or throw them into a food processor).
We love putting all of the ingredients (except for the onions) into a food processor to process into a nice consistency, and then add the chopped green onions last.
Here are a few of our favorite Salsa Recipes »
Salsa Garden Layout
We like to give tomato plants a lot of space, while you can plant jalapenos a little closer together. Cilantro and Green onions can be grown along the sides of your garden as a border. Check out the sample Salsa Garden Layout above – you can scale this up, too – a salsa garden can be any size. You could grow a 4x4 salsa garden, you don't have to have a giant space to grow some great salsa! Small salsa garden layouts optimize space by growing the plants in a small area but making sure to give your tomato plants more space as they tend to get huge. Don't forget to give your tomato plants support too, and don't rely on those flimsy tomato cages you see – find heavy duty ones - here are some of the Best Tomato Cages we like to use.
Read more about creating the best Salsa Garden Layout »

No garden space? Start a Salsa Garden in pots!
Make sure to use an extra large pot (half a whiskey barrel or other large container) for the tomato plants and provide strong supports or trellis's for them, too, as they can get large and unruly! You can also try growing smaller sized tomato plants for better success such as the German Red Strawberry Heirloom Tomato that only gets 2-3' tall, or the extra early Glacier tomato or our Roma VF Tomato with plants that grow to around 3' tall. The Green onions and cilantro can be grown around the base of the tomato plants, or plant them in their own pots if desired. Remember that larger pots hold more moisture on hot summer days than small pots, so bigger is better. Make sure to keep your container salsa garden watered - check daily to make sure the soil doesn't dry out completely.
Salsa Garden Plants
Salsa garden plants typically include tomatoes, hot peppers, cilantro, onion – you can also grow garlic to kick it up a notch!
Tomatillos make great Salsa Verde!!
Salsa Garden Seeds
You can grow our Salsa Garden Kit, but don't limit yourself to just these salsa garden seeds. We have over 100 specialty peppers from sweet to super-hot which are all delicious in salsa. Plus, we have over 50 tomato varieties - so grow several different types to make lots of different kinds of salsa throughout the season. And, don't forget Tomatillos for your salsa garden, which make a great Salsa Verde. You can also can salsa for enjoying all winter, too. Here's one of our favorite Canned Hot Pepper Salsa Recipes.
Salsa Garden Pepper
It's hard to choose just one pepper for a salsa garden, but if we had to pick one the Early Jalapeno might be it! It's one of the fastest growing hot peppers and starts to harvest in about 65 days, plus it is a great producer so you'll have lots of jalapenos for your salsa. That's why we put it in our salsa garden kit, as it's the perfect pepper to flavor salsa. But of course, don't limit yourself to just one salsa garden pepper! So many of our hot peppers and super hot peppers make for delicious salsa – we like to grow different hot peppers every year to change it up to taste the rainbow of flavors and heats in our salsa.
DIY Salsa Garden:
Experiment in your Salsa Garden!
Do it yourself and pick a variety of peppers and tomatoes for your own DIY salsa garden. Jalapenos are great for salsa gardens, but also be sure to try growing all of our other hot peppers and super hot peppers to make a variety of salsa flavors from your garden!
Check out all of our favorite Salsa Recipes »
Salsa Container Garden
If you don't have any garden space, you can also grow a salsa container garden! Choose extra large containers (think half whiskey barrels) for your tomatoes, and make sure to provide them with strong support such as garden obelisks or other strong tomato cages. For the peppers, green onions and cilantro, 5+ gallon containers will work – the larger the container, we find the better they do. Don't use small pots as they tend to dry out too quickly and don't store enough moisture for healthy plants. Make sure to fill the pots with potting soil instead of garden soil or top soil so that they drain well, and also be sure that your containers have drainage holes so you don't drown your plants.
Check out all of our favorite Salsa Recipes »
Happy growing - enjoy your salsa!!