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  1. 2024 Seed Catalog We're excited to announce our new 2024 Seed Catalog is available! This full color seed catalog is packed with peppers of the world, plus tomato and veggie seeds, too. The seed catalog also has lots of growing tips, recipes, and even a garden plan to help you get growing in 2024! Our 36 page seed catalog is packed with beautiful photos of peppers, recipes, growing tips and of course, tons of pepper and vegetable seeds for your garden!Flip through our 2024 Seed Catalog below featuring all ...
  2. Gardener Gifts - Top 5 Gift Ideas If you have a gardener in your life, they will always appreciate new seeds to grow! Seeds make the best gardener gifts and they can be grown, shared, and saved for years to use in the garden. Read on for more of our top gardener gift ideas... Here are some fun gift ideas for the gardener: TOP 5 GARDENER GIFTS: GARDENER GIFT #1:Pepper Seeds Gardeners and chefs alike love to try growing new varieties – so pick something new or get a gift card so they can pick out the seeds they want. We have o...
  3. Spinach Seeds Winter Gardening: Did you know? While you may be starting your pepper seeds indoors in the winter months, did you know that you can also garden outside even in cold winter climates? Spinach is an excellent choice for winter and early spring sowing as it is extremely cold hardy. As the temperature decreases the plant increases the sugar content in its vasculature. This essentially acts as an “anti-freeze” to protect the plant. Growth is greatly slowed by temperature and lack of sunlight durin...
  4. Chiltepin Pepper Have you grown “mother of all peppers,” the Chiltepin? These ancient tiny hot Chiltepin peppers do love heat, but they thrive best in the partial shade of a tree or bush. Their environment in the wild is often under other plants, where they get some shade. When growing in the wild, these peppers are most often found growing under plants like mesquite or hackberry, preferring a shaded area in the low desert. The Chiltepin, also known as Tepin peppers, grow abundantly on 36” tall plants. ...
  5. Padron Pepper Seeds Review We were happy to get this beautiful shot of Padrón peppers from one of our happy seed customers, here's what Sam had to say: Greetings to the folks at the Sandia Seed Company!I recently purchased a packet of your padrón seeds. I also happened to get my San Diego garden started early this year as well. As a result I have already had two batches of blackened padróns with coarse sea salt as appetizers for meals. You are receiving a photo of the 2nd batch; ... We all know the first ones di...
  6. Can peppers survive 40 degree weather? People have asked, can peppers survive 40˚ F temperatures? Most peppers are not happy when temperatures drop below 50-60˚ F. If you live in a short season climate, we recommend starting pepper seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost of the spring is expected, and wait to transplant outside until it's warmed up to at least 55-60˚ F at night consistently and all chance of frost has passed.Planting peppers outside early in the spring with no protection and cold weather below 50˚ F ca...
  7. Wholesale Seeds Sandia Seed offers Wholesale Seeds to anyone who wants to resell seeds in online stores, garden centers, hardware stores, gift shops or other local stores. Sandia Seed offers Wholesale Seeds for all of our 100+ pepper seeds and our top favorite 44+ tomato seeds including lots of heirloom and Vegetable Seeds from around the world. It's easy to become a Sandia Seed seller! We offer new wholesale customers receive 50% off your first order over $300 and then all future reorders with no mini...
  8. Wholesale Seed Companies Selling seeds in your shop is a great way to share the love of vegetable and pepper gardening with your customers! Sandia Seed is one of the best Wholesale Seed Companies for purchasing wholesale seeds for peppers of the world, plus lots of heirloom tomatoes and vegetable seeds, too. We also sell seed display racks so you can feature the seeds beautifully on a counter or in a floor seed display. You can just buy seeds, or buy a display collection. Many of our customers use our seed display ra...
  9. Where to Buy Pepper Seeds Look no further than to buy pepper seeds from around the world! With 100 pepper seed varieties to choose from, you are sure to get your pepper fix at Sandia Seed! We specialize in New Mexico Chile – such as the famous Hatch Chile varieties – and we also offer a wide variety of pepper, tomato and vegetable seeds, including some of the hottest pepper varieties, sweet pepper seeds, and heirloom tomato seeds to make your favorite salsa recipes. Find stores that sell our pepper s...
  10. Poblano Pepper Poblano peppers are earthy, fruity, and delicious! The Poblano is a mild pepper that originated in Puebla, Mexico. When dried, it is known as ancho or chile ancho. They are so good when stuffed fresh and roasted, and are very popular in chiles rellenos poblanos. Picking these peppers will result in more peppers on your plant, so make sure to harvest them often! Here are three varieties of Poblano seeds we offer: Classic Poblano Pepper:Fresh green poblanos make some of the best rellenos bec...
  11. Gardening by the Zodiac Signs When it comes to planting in your garden, soil, sun and seasons aren't the only factors to consider. It turns out the the zodiac signs can be just as important. For the best results, they should be considered when choosing plants for your garden. What to plant in your garden according to your zodiac sign. ARIES (March 21 to April 20) You are a fiery, energetic, and quick individual who likes spicy, invigorating plants and foods. Growing onion, garlic chives, basil, cayenne peppers, a...
  12. What is a Hatch Chile? What is a Hatch chile pepper? Wondering why they are called Hatch chiles? These unique green chiles are called Hatch Chile because they are grown in in the Hatch region of New Mexico. Technically, to be called a true Hatch Chile, these have to be grown in the Hatch region of New Mexico. The soil and climate in the Hatch region is known to create the perfect conditions for the best tasting chile unlike any other. If you get a chance to taste Hatch Green Chile grown in the Hatch region in New ...
  13. Growing Peppers in Texas What peppers grow well in Texas? A customer just reached out to us with this question about Growing Peppers in Texas: We love your curated selection of heirloom and native seeds and making them available to people like us! We live in Zone 9a near Galveston,Texas. Our homestead garden is where we test and grow food for ourselves. We grow transplants naturally from seed to sell at markets and have recently started to offer to local nurseries! We are placing an order soon, just wanted to as...
  14. Best Peppers to Grow Best Peppers to Grow in 2024! Here are our top picks for peppers to grow in your garden. These delicious selections are productive and easy to grow so you'll enjoy a colorful and tasty harvest of peppers in 2024. 1. Jimmy Nardello So delicious and so productive. It is an old-school heirloom that is just an absolute winner. These tasty sweet peppers can be used for stir fry and pasta sauces. 2. Cayenne Ring of Fire Beautiful pepper that matures early and is spicy! It has a wonderful cayen...
  15. 2024 Seed Catalogs are here! We're excited to announce that are 2024 Seed Catalogs are here!Sandia Seed is proud to be one of the seed catalog companies offering a beautiful seed catalogue filled with heirloom peppers, tomatoes and vegetables. Packed with seeds for over 100 peppers of the world, plus tons of heirloom tomato seeds and vegetable seeds, this colorful catalog is a great winter read for planning your 2024 gardening season! We also included some of our favorite recipes including our salsa recipes, a deli...
  16. Largest Peppers Looking to grow the world’s Largest Peppers? World’s Largest Pepper If you're looking for the world record largest pepper, look no further than the Big Jim chile – this humongous pepper is the current Guinness Book of World Record holder for being the largest chile pepper in the world! These giant peppers can grow up to 14" in length, but typically range from 8-10". Because of their large size, they are easy to roast and peel for the most excellent green chile! This, the larges...