Hot Pepper Sauce Recipe - Quick & Easy!Here is a quick and easy hot pepper sauce recipe: Hot Pepper Sauce Recipe 1.5 cups of Red Hot Peppers (try Fresno, Cayenne, Hot Portugal)5 cloves of Garlic1/4 cup chopped onions or shallots2 teaspoons of Salt1 cup VinegarRemove stems, cut peppers in half lengthwise, remove seeds and ribs IF desired to reduce heat, chop. Add all ingredients to a medium sauce pan, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cover to simmer for about 15-20 minutes. Let cool off for about 15 minutes, then add to a blender ...
Are peppers herbs or spices?Herbs are typically considered the leafy part of the plant, such as basil, rosemary, thyme, parsley, cilantro, and oregano. Spices, on the other hand, are typically come from the root, stem, seed, fruit, flower or bark of a plant or tree. So peppers are usually considered a spice, and they are also a fruit. Although, as with many things, these terms aren't always black and white...Peppers are also considered herbs. In fact, the International Herb Society deemed that peppers were the Her...
Roasted Orange Habanero, Carrot & Tomato Hot Sauce RecipeRoasted Orange Habanero, Carrot & Tomato Hot Sauce Recipe:Could this be the best hot sauce ever?! Maybe. - Habaneros (as many as you have)- Orange Tomatoes (Chef's Choice or Pineapple Tomatoes)- Carrots- Garlic (3-6+ cloves)- Vinegar (we used Champagne vinegar)- Salt & PepperRoast some habaneros, carrots and chopped tomatoes in a cast iron skillet to brown a bit and condense. Let cool in a glass bowl, then put everything into a food processor with several cloves of garlic and proc...
Wholesale Pepper SeedsSell Peppers of the World and Get 50% Off an Initial Order of $300 or more with Sandia Seed! Wholesale customers receive 50% off your first order over $300*. After your first Wholesale order, all future reorders of any amount will be 50% off with no minimum. We also have some beautiful seed displays and our top-selling seed collections that will display hundreds of seed packets and look great in your store! Learn how to signup to become a Seed Reseller on our Wholesale Seeds page » We have o...
Salsa GardenSALSA GARDEN If you're like us, you can never get enough salsa! So why not grow your own salsa garden? Looking for salsa garden seeds? We have you covered with over 100 peppers from around the world, plus lots of heirloom tomatoes, too, that make the BEST salsa ever! Grow your own salsa garden! Salsa Garden Kit Check out our salsa garden kit and grow your own salsa! Our Salsa Garden Seeds are perfect for any salsa-lover. Our fabulous Salsa Garden Kit has four packets of seeds to get your...
Seed Contest: Spring 2023THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO ENTERED! We love seeing your photos! Congratulations to Cat & Angela, our two lucky winners of a $25 GIFT CARD & SEED CATALOG! ORIGINAL CONTEST DEETS: Here’s how to enter: 1. Post a photo of your Sandia Seed packets, stickers, gardens & harveston Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram 2. Add hashtag #sandiaseed in your post’s description for a chance to win! Even though this contest is over, we still love seeing your pepper and vegetable posts, so tag us with #san...
How long does it take to grow peppers from seed?How long does it take to grow peppers from seed? Well, it depends on the pepper! Some peppers, like our Orange Jalapeno, Yellow Jalapeno and our Early Jalapeno seeds are all super fast growing, which start harvesting at around 65 days after starting from seed. Or you can grow our Sweet Chocolate Bell Pepper seeds, which is our earliest pepper to harvest, with the first peppers ripening at around 57 days! Find other fastest growing peppers here.Growing short season peppers is one way to sh...
New PeppersNEW PEPPERS Grow something new this year! In 2022 we have a lot of new peppers to grow in your garden! We are introducing Hatch Green Mild – Guizeppi as one of the mildest Hatch chile varieties we offer; Alma Paprika, the best paprika for drying; Anaheim Sonora Mild, a delicious and very large pepper; Biquinho Yellow, mild and fruity from Brazil; Cascabella, small and tangy these are the peppers that Mezzetta uses; Cayenne Purple, both the pepper and plant are pretty, Corno de Toro Gai...
Brazilian Pepper SeedsBrazilian Pepper Seeds:Biquinho Pepper SeedsA rare yellow heirloom pepper! Looking to grow Brazilian peppers? Easy to grow from seed, the Biquinho Yellow Pepper is a rare pepper that is crunchy and juicy with a mix of tropical flavors that are described as citrus and fruity with slightly smoky tones. These are citrusy little peppers are also called Sweety Drop Peppers, Inca Reds, or Chupetinho (which literally translates to “little beak.”) These sweet yellow Brazilian peppers are a culinary ...
Fresh vs Dried Pepper NamesFresh vs Dried Pepper Names:Did you know peppers have different names depending on whether they are fresh or dried/smoked? Read on... Here are some common dried pepper names: Dried Jalapeños = ChipotleDried Poblanos = AnchoDried Anaheim Chile = Colorado or CaliforniaDried Mirasol = GuajilloDried Serrano = Chile Seco*(or more specifically: balin, chico, tipico and largo)Dried Chilaca = PasillaDried Chile de Arbol = Chile Seco* Of course, the names above can vary depending on the part of ...
Best Tomato CagesWhat are the Best Tomato Cages?Sturdy ones. We like using the sturdier thick cages, but they're a little harder to find. If you grow tomatoes, they're probably one of your favorite crops, like ours, and you want to ensure that the plants are healthy and supported so you get a great harvest. What kind of Tomato supports do you use?Those darned flimsy wire "tomato cages" that are sold at hardware stores are useless once a tomato plant gets large, as you can see in these photo...
No-Peel Tomato Sauce RecipeYes, you can leave skin on tomatoes when making sauce! Just use a food processor to transform whole tomatoes into sauce. This saves lots of time from having to boil the tomatoes first to loosen the skin enough to peel. We also figure keeping the skins on retains all the vitamins and minerals that the skin contains. The main reason people peel tomatoes for sauce is that if not processed, then you get little curled up skins in your sauce. But a food processor grinds them all up and even makes a...
How to Roast ChileHow to Roast Chile Do you grow green chile seeds? Then you probably will have a great chile harvest to roast. Here's our top tips on roasting chile at home: Use your Oven to Roast Chile:Set your broiler to 425°F, use a metal cookie sheet and arrange your chile pods on the sheet in a single layer. Some people opt to lightly coat chile with olive oil and line your pan with foil, but you don't have to do this, it's optional. We have an old pan we use to roast chiles so we skip...
Garden Gift Basket IdeasHere are our favorite Garden Gift Basket Ideas for the gardener in your life: Rare SeedsA Garden Gift Basket filled with packets of seeds are always a welcome site to any gardener. Buy unusual varieties such as Rare Pepper Seeds to give them something fun and new to try next season. We have hundreds of peppers from around the world, so finding something new for your gardener to grow is easy to do!/li> Frequently Used SeedsGarden Gift Baskets can also include more common seeds that yo...
Wax PeppersWax Peppers Question: Hi! I've been in search of those little yellow wax peppers, but I'm not sure which to buy. The only reference I have is that the restaurant In and Out usually includes them if you ask for hot peppers. The peppers themselves are 1 to 1.5" long, like 1cm wide, they're not too hot, and usually are served pickled and salty. Do you sell something like that? I think they may be called "cascabella"? Santa Fe Grand Peppers, shown aboveAnswer:We do h...
List of Peppers by HeatHere is a list of all of our peppers from around the world based on their heat level, from sweet to super hot!Find the perfect pepper with the just the right amount of heat from this list of over 100 peppers of the world! Click on the peppers below to read about each of them: Bell Chocolate Sweet - 0 ScovillesBell Golden Cal Wonder - 0Bell Green Cal Wonder - 0Bell Orange Mini Snacker 0Bell Purple Beauty - 0Cubanelle - 0Fushimi - 0Jimmy Nardello - 0Marconi Red - 0Pimiento - 0Shishito - 0Swee...
These fabulous peppers added lots of color to our patio pots. So pretty in multiple colors, plus you can pick them and add to salsa for a nice spicy kick. These are fun in any ornamental edible garden.
We let these hang dry, then ground them up – they made the tastiest pepper flakes. They have a nice kick, but good flavor too. Easy to grow plants, pretty peppers.
Great seeds, good germination, plants grow quickly and produce lots of pods for roasting. Great flavor and just the right amount of spice. We grow these every year in our garden in Utah.
I tried these purple Cherokee seeds on 2024. This is the first time growing these purple Cherokees and were amazed at the ease of germination and taste
These germinated in two days. I started them in midsummer and they fruited by late fall in my zone 10b garden and are overwintering just fine. I’ll have more to harvest by late spring. I made my red sauce for pozole for Christmas with my harvest!
Big Chiles with just enough heat to add to green enchilada's. The flavor after roasting is fantastic. Since green chile roasting is not a local thing in Eastern Washington we us a weed burner. The smell of roasting peppers is heavenly.
My favorite green chili to grow. Plenty of heat and after roasting sit perfectly on a hamburger. Also my wonderful wife makes Puelo Chili jam that is a real crowd pleaser
Plants were quite bushy and full of peppers. Great flavor. Made a wonderful little Ristra with some of the later harvested peppers. Will continue to grow these yearly.
These plants were super healthy all season long and produced a LOT of fruit. They'll add heat and color to any dish. They made my cowboy candy and pickled jalapeños extra special!
Very good germination rate and super abundant and delicious peppers!. I had them in 10g and 5g fabric pots and they very well the last two years. Amazing to smoke and dry / freeze to have throughout the year! I just made a spicy brown porter mustard with scotch bonnets! Also made an amazing roasted scotch bonnet hot sauce! yum!