Did you know that we list the Scoville Heat units on the front of of our mild-to-extra hot pepper seed packets? This helps you find peppers with just the right amount of heat... or lack thereof.
We specialize in Hatch Chile Seeds, which can be grown all over the world, not just in Hatch, New Mexico.
Our Aji Limo Pepper Seeds produce beautiful plants loaded with spicy pods that have a Scoville of 15,000-30,000 so they are HOT but they also have great flavor.

Our Tabasco seeds are perfect for those who love hot sauce and heat! These fun little pods are beautiful on the plant and change color as they ripen to red. They are easy to harvest, too, when they're fully ripe you can just pull the peppers off the plant without pruners! With a Very Hot Scoville of 30,000 - 50,000 – these are sure to please any chilehead.