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  1. Herb Seeds for Sale Herb Seeds for SaleCheck out our herb seed collection for all sorts of seeds for your herb garden. These are the best herb seeds to grow in your garden for year-round use in the kitchen. Herbs are super healthy and packed with nutrition and flavor, so they're the perfect compliments to a vegetable garden. We've selected the easiest herb seeds to grow to help you become a successful herb gardener! Herbs make great companions for your vegetable garden, you can grow basil around tomato p...
  2. Pepper Gifts Need pepper gift ideas for the pepper lovers in your life? Here are our top gift ideas for your list: Chile Pepper Seeds: If the spice lover in your life likes to garden, then new pepper seeds are always a hit. We offer gift seed bundles that are sure to please any gardener. Pepper Powders or Flakes: There are a lot of small batch pepper powders and pepper flakes out there, they make for great stocking stuffers, too! And, any chile-lover is going to love pepper powders. You can also ma...
  3. Are peppers herbs or spices? Herbs are typically considered the leafy part of the plant, such as basil, rosemary, thyme, parsley, cilantro, and oregano. Spices, on the other hand, are typically come from the root, stem, seed, fruit, flower or bark of a plant or tree. So peppers are usually considered a spice, and they are also a fruit. Although, as with many things, these terms aren't always black and white...Peppers are also considered herbs. In fact, the International Herb Society deemed that peppers were the Her...
  4. Pepper X Looking for Pepper X seeds? Pepper X is the new Guinness World Record holder for being the world's hottest pepper. But unfortunately, Ed Currie, Pepper X's creator, is NOT selling any seeds so they are not yet available to grow. According to the creator, Pepper X is a patented variety and Pepper X seeds are not going to be available.You can buy his hot sauces with the Pepper X, but not any seeds, plants or pods. He's keeping his baby close for now. Read more about Pepper X, inclu...
  5. NEW Hottest Pepper in the World in 2023 The new Hottest Pepper in the World in 2023 is Pepper X: Looking for the world's hottest pepper? Well, on August 23, 2023, a new pepper has been crowned as the hottest pepper in the world by Guinness World Records! Pepper X, also bred by Ed Currie along with the former champion the Carolina Reaper with 2.2 SHU (Scoville Heat Units), took over as the hottest chili pepper in late 2023, recognized by Guinness World Records, beating the Carolina Reaper by 71,000 Scoville Heat Units! In 2017...
  6. Savory Apple Recipes Here are some of our favorite ways to use apples, beyond just apple pie. Check out our Savory Apple Recipes below... Savory Apple Recipe: Spicy Zucchini Fritters with Apples & Jalapenos - Shredded zucchini (1-3+ cups)- Flour (1/2cup-1.5+ cups)- 2-3 Jalapenos, chopped- 1/2-1 cup+ green onions, chopped- 1-2 apples skin removed, shredded- 1 egg- 1/2 cup of Peanut butter (or other nut butter, or tahini)- Fresh herbs (chives, oregano, thyme, sage, dill, your choice!)- Curry powder (optional)-...
  7. How was Pepper X's heat tested? Wondering how Pepper X's heat was tested? How was Pepper X's heat tested? For crowning Pepper X as the new hottest pepper in the world in 2023, we were curious if Guinness World Records used the new capsaicin-testing devices (like The ChilliPot) to do the test or if they used the standard Scoville tasting panel to determine the number of Scovilles. The standard Scoville panel test determines the amount of Scovilles based on the measure of the degree of dilution at which the pepper'...
  8. Container Salsa Garden Grow your own Container Salsa Garden! Salsa garden plants generally include Tomatoes, Hot Peppers, Cilantro, and Onions. These are your basics – but you can really vary it up with different types of tomatoes and hot peppers. Best Tomatoes to grow for Salsa Our wide variety of Heirloom and Hybrid Tomato seeds can be grown in your potted container garden to create a wide range of colorful salsas. Classic salsa is often make with Roma Tomatoes, such as San Marzano Tomatoes. The flesh is much th...
  9. Hot Pepper Tasting We had a great time at our Hot Pepper Tasting Party in Castle Rock, Colorado with Yosh, Siri and Matt – who all bravely tried all the super hot peppers we had in store for them. It is interesting how different peppers taste differently to each person's palate, and how some peppers don't start burning right away. While all three of our tasters like spicy food, none had tried tasting straight super hot peppers on their own, so it was fun seeing the reactions to the different flavors and...
  10. Salsa Garden Peppers Favorite Salsa Garden Peppers Oh boy, it's hard to pick just one favorite salsa garden pepper. If you're a salsa connoisseur, you know that there isn't just one perfect pepper for salsa! You can put all sorts of hot peppers and green chiles into salsa, and sweet peppers, too. There is no right or wrong pepper for salsa! Jalapeños are classic, while roasted Hatch Green Chiles add flavor and body to salsas. Or you can try some super hot peppers for a spicy delight! Same g...
  11. 2024 Seed Catalog We're excited to announce our new 2024 Seed Catalog is available! This full color seed catalog is packed with peppers of the world, plus tomato and veggie seeds, too. The seed catalog also has lots of growing tips, recipes, and even a garden plan to help you get growing in 2024! Our 36 page seed catalog is packed with beautiful photos of peppers, recipes, growing tips and of course, tons of pepper and vegetable seeds for your garden!Flip through our 2024 Seed Catalog below featuring all ...
  12. Fastest Growing Vegetables Do you want to grow the Fastest Growing Vegetables? Here are our top suggestions for the fastest growing crops that you can start from seed: Radish – Harvest in 22+ Days!The classic Cherry Bell Radish is super easy to grow and it is one of the fastest growing vegetables you can plant!. Simply direct sow the seeds in fluffy soil, keep them moist and watch them sprout in just 5-7 days depending on soil and weather conditions. They grow quickly into pretty 1" cherry red globes that a...
  13. Problems growing carrots? We used to have trouble growing carrots, specifically with sowing carrot seeds, likely because we did not keep them consistently moist during their germination period. Carrot seeds not germinating? Carrot seeds can be planted directly into the garden soil and are easy to grow. But there is a secret to growing carrots and getting the seeds to germinate. If you have problems with carrots in your garden (or at least starting the seeds), use the Carrot Board Trick: For best results, sow car...
  14. When to Harvest Carolina Reapers Wondering when to Harvest Carolina Reapers? You can harvest Carolina Reaper pods when they mature to red, typically after at least 90+ days of growing from seed. The Carolina Reaper is a super hot pepper – in fact, it still holds the Guinness world record for being the hottest pepper. However, just because they are the hottest pepper in the world, the Carolina Reaper isn't harder to grow than other peppers! Most importantly, Carolina Reaper plants need a long growing season. Consequently,...
  15. Ornamental Hot Peppers Ornamental hot peppers are a great addition to any garden. They add beauty and spice and everything nice! As a vegetable gardener, you probably want to have a beautiful veggie garden! So why not grow some ornamental peppers to add pops of color and beauty! We have a whole selection of ornamental hot peppers that will look great in your landscape, plus you can harvest them for spicing up salsas, hot sauces, sandwiches, burgers, burritos, soups, stews, stir fries, you name it! The rainb...
  16. Early Tomatoes: Varieties Looking for early tomato varieties? Sandia Seed has several ultra early tomato plants that are sure to please any tomato-lover. Our fastest growing tomatoes are also some of the best tasting tomatoes, too, so make sure to grow a few of these early tomato varieties in your garden to enjoy a longer tomato harvest season. These tomatoes are also great to grow if you're starting seeds later than you wanted, tomato seeds sprout fast and grow into robust plants quickly, so these short season ...