If you want to grow Ornamental Peppers, Sandia Seed has you covered. We actually think that most chile pepper plants are ornamental, as they have beautiful green leaves, dainty flowers in white and purple, and, when the peppers come in, they turn into vibrant reds, yellows, purples and even white in your garden. View all of our beautiful ornamental pepper seeds »
We've recently had a neighbor exclaim: "Wow, these Cayenne peppers are really ornamental!" as she admired the red Goat Horn chiles delicately hanging on the pretty potted plant.

Peppers also rarely get diseases (unlike their beloved counterpart, the Tomato!), so the plants look healthy and happy all summer long into the fall. And, once autumn and harvest season arrive, you'll be dazzled by all the chile pepper jewels on your plants. We even find them hard to snip off sometimes, just because they look so pretty!

We grow many of our peppers in pots, and while they don't always get quite as robust as their earth-grown counterparts, they always look beautiful and are still quite prolific. One of the common Ornamental Peppers is the NuMex Twilight Pepper – which has dainty bright purple peppers that point upward and ripen to a rainbow of colors: they start out as bright purple fruits that ripen to yellow, orange, then red. These ornamental peppers do quite well in pots, too, so add some to your next container garden!
Here are some photos of beautiful ornamental peppers, click on the photos to view the chile pepper variety and to buy seeds:

Bees love ornamental pepper blossoms, too!

Any chile pepper can be made into Ristras for Drying which are ornamental and useful in the kitchen, too! Drying peppers is one of the easiest ways to preserve your pepper harvest for year-round use.