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Heirloom Jalapeño Seeds

Sandia Seed has several varieties of Heirloom Jalapeño Seeds for your garden. Easy to grow, Jalapeño seeds come in a wide variety of colors, heat-levels, and sizes. 


Heirloom Jalapeño - Early Jalapeño Seeds

One of our favorite Heirloom Jalapeños is the Early Jalapeno – These are one of the earliest peppers at just 65 days from seed to the first harvest.  Everybody loves Jalapeños because they can be prepared in so many different ways. Jalapeño poppers, jalapeño jelly, and pickled jalapeños are just a few examples. Jalapeños have thick skin and just like their cousin the serrano pepper, they do not need to be roasted or peeled before using.

Heirloom Jalapeño - Jalapeño M Seeds

Next up is the Heirloom Jalapeño M The addictive flavor of the Jalapeño M makes it America's most popular pepper! With larger fruit with more heat than the Early Jalapeño, the thick-walled dark green fruits that average 3-1/2” long by 1-1/2“ wide. This variety is slow to turn red and grows on plants from 24” to 36“ tall. You can pick them green or let them turn red. Jalapeño M peppers can be found in pickled jalapeno rings atop nachos and chopped into Mexican sauces.

Another delicious Heirloom Jalapeño for those who like it a little milder is the  TAM Jalapeño – Milder than most jalapenos but it still has all the classic Jalapeño flavor. This early variety was developed by Texas A&M and is very productive and resistant to disease. The 3” long jalapenos are so much milder than their relatives, with a Scoville scale of 1,000 to 1,500 compared to up to 5,000 for the Early Jalapeno variety. For those who really don't like spice, the TAM Jalapeño can be made even milder by removing the thin membrane that connects the seeds to the wall of the pepper.

Heirloom Jalapeno Seeds - Traveler Jalapeno

Another great Heirloom Jalapeño is the Traveler Jalapeño The sturdy and vigorous 3’ tall plants produce a continuous crop all season. The fruits are conical 3-1/2- 4” long with thick bright green flesh and grow well at both high and low elevations.  A great, reliable variety that produces large peppers with consistent medium heat. Introduced by Larry Pierce of Cabool, MO who named it Traveler because he selected it over the course of over 20 years in several states as he moved to Oklahoma and Wyoming, and then to MO. They taste best when allowed to fully ripen to red but are great green as well. Chop up and add to salsas or eat one alongside your sandwich. It is medium to hot ranging from 2,500 - 8,000 Scovilles, depending on the growing conditions. Hotter dryer conditions often result in hotter jalapeños. 

Heirloom Jalapeno - Purple Jalapeno Seeds

For a more unusual Heirloom Jalapeno, make sure to grow our Purple Jalapeño - these tasty dark purple jalapeños have a nice medium heat and a little more sweetness than regular jalapeños. Their thick walls have a crisp bite that is great in salads and sandwiches. The nearly black 3” long peppers have a bright sweet flavor with just enough heat. Peppers begin deep green and change to dark purple and finally mature to a deep red. It is a beautiful ornamental plant when all three pepper colors are on the plant at the same time. The sturdy 24” tall plants have showy lavender flowers. 

Heirloom Jalapeno Seeds

Want more jalapenos? Check out all of the Jalapeno Seeds we carry including the extra spicy Orange Spice Jalapeno with 80,000 Scovilles!

Happy growing!


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