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  1. Green Chile Quinoa Salad Recipe Here's a delicious healthy spicy salad that is perfect for summertime! Green Chile Quinoa Salad Recipe Ingredients: 1 cup of Red Quinoa, cooked 1/2 cup+ Green chiles, roasted, peeled and diced 2-3 cloves of garlic 1 cup of diced tomatoes 6 chopped green onions 1 cup of chopped fresh spinach 2 cups of roasted corn 2 cups of black beans 1 cucumber, diced Bunch of chopped cilantro (stems are ok, too!) 2 Limes, juiced 4 tbsp olive oil Salt and Pepper to taste 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp red peppe...
  2. Types of Hot Peppers There are a ton of different types of hot peppers! Sandia Seed is all about chile peppers, and we carry over 100 types of peppers from around the world. Try growing a new type of hot pepper this year! We add new varieties each season, so you can grow peppers of the world in your garden! Looking for mild or super spicy peppers or somewhere in-between?View our List of Peppers by Heat » View our full list of all the types of peppers we carry in one place on our online seed catalog »Technical...
  3. Cilantro Pesto Recipe Cilantro tends to come in all at once (it's good to keep sowing it throughout the season as it bolts quickly once the summer warmth arrives, no matter what you do!) So, preserve your precious Cilantro harvest and make Cilantro Pesto! Cilantro pesto with almonds, olive oil, lime juice, fresh garlic or garlic scapes, and spicy green chiles like Jalapenos or serranos is awesome. :) Great with chips, or tossed with pasta or vegetables. Simple Spicy Cilantro Pesto Recipe: Ingredients: ...
  4. Pickled Pepper Recipes Pickling is a great way to preserve your pepper harvest!Here are a few of our favorite Pickled Pepper Recipes: Jalapeno Pickles Recipe »Pickled Jalapenos Recipe »Pickled Banana Peppers Recipe »
  5. How to Make Peppers Grow Faster Wondering how to make peppers grow faster? Here are our top tips for faster growing pepper plants. 1. Start Fast-Growing Pepper Seeds Early: Keep the seeds very warm for germinating. Keeping pepper seeds warm at 80-90˚ F is best for fast and successful germination. Most pepper seeds germinate within 7-21 days, but some can take longer than that so be patient and keep them consistently warm. Seedling heat mats can help greatly! Pepper Seed Germination Time:Starting peppers earlier than ot...
  6. Easiest Peppers to Grow If you haven't planned a garden yet, now is a great time. We have picked out some of the fastest growing peppers which are also of course the easiest to grow so that you can get your garden growing quickly! Here Is Our Favorites List Of TheEasiest Peppers To Grow: Early Jalapeño Seeds Early Jalapeño - The best pepper for short seasons and cooler climates! These are one of the earliest peppers, and everybody loves jalapeños because they can be prepared in so many different ways. Jalapeñ...
  7. Best Peppers for Pickles & Kimchis Customer Question: “I'm looking for for low-medium Scoville chiles for pickling and kimchis. Good growing season to you & yours.” - Ken from Oregon Here are our top picks for good peppers for pickling and kimchis:Mild/Sweet:Fushimi PepperSweet Hungarian Yellow Wax PepperSweet Banana PepperPaprikaBeaver Dam PepperMedium Heat:PepperonciniHot Hungarian Yellow Wax SeedsTry any of our Jalapeno SeedsHotter Peppers:Santa Fe GrandeCayenne - Las Cruces NuMexGoat Horn PepperThai Hot PepperOf c...
  8. Pueblo Chile Seeds Discover Pueblo Chile Seeds from Colorado! We are excited to share two new Pueblo Chiles that we just added to our seed collection: the tasty Pueblo Mosco Chile (shown above) and the spicier sister, the Pueblo Giadone Chile. Both of these Pueblo Chiles have a different flavor from the New Mexican Hatch chile varieties, (some say they taste better than Hatch, but we think both Hatch chiles and Pueblo Chiles taste amazing, they're just different. It's like comparing jalapeños to serraño...
  9. Growing Peppers from Seed: Our Top 12 Tips Growing Peppers from SeedOur Top 12 Tips 1. Use Fresh Seeds When perfectly stored, pepper seeds can be viable for up to 25 years, but generally 2-5 years is more realistic for good germination rates. The older the seeds get, the less likely they will sprout. Store seeds in a cool, dark, dry environment. Remember, seeds are meant to be grown, so plant them! Of course we still plant old seeds (a few years old) all the time, because they can still sprout. Just be aware that the germination r...
  10. Orange Salsa Recipe If you grow our Orange Jalapeño seeds or our other Orange Jalapeño Pumpkin Spice Seeds or any of our other orange hot peppers, then you gotta try this Orange Salsa recipe. For this salsa, we recommend growing some of our favorite Orange Heirloom Tomato Seeds such as our Big Rainbow Tomato, or the Chef's Choice Orange Tomato, or the delicious Garden Peach Tomato... and you'll have a brilliant orange salsa that is sure to be the talk of the party. You can use any of our orange hot peppe...
  11. Morita Salsa Recipe Did you know that a Morita chile is really a smoked ripe jalapeño? Morita chiles are similar to Chipotle peppers in this respect, the difference being that Moritas are mildly smoked for less time than Chipotle peppers, so they are softer and they maintain their subtle fruity characteristics while developing a rich chocolatey aroma. Dried and crushed Morita chiles are ideal for use in soups, stews, beans, and chilis. Morita chiles can be used instead of Chipotle peppers in recipes. Moritas a...
  12. Wholesale Seeds Wholesale Seeds for Retailers Are you a local plant nursery, garden center, gift shop or local hardware store and you're looking for wholesale seeds for resale? Sandia Seed offers Wholesale Seeds for all of our 100+ pepper seeds from around the world, plus our favorite 44+ tomato seeds including lots of heirloom varieties from around the world, as well as some super easy-to-grow vegetable seeds. We specialize in customer favorites like the flavorful New Mexican Chile seeds like the Bi...
  13. Growing Peppers in Containers Growing Peppers in Containers is easy! Many peppers grow well in containers, you can grow peppers in any type of container if it's big enough and has good drainage. You want to make sure to use good well-draining potting soil, and make sure the containers have holes in the bottom to let water out because peppers HATE wet feet! Containers can actually be good in the early spring when the ground may still be cold, as peppers love warm soil. So placing your container in the sun will help war...
  14. Fermentation Crock Hot Sauce Recipe Have you made hot sauce in a fermentation crock? We think that fermented hot sauce is the tastiest of hot sauces! Fermentation Crocks are not super well-known, but they are one of the oldest ways that people have been preserving vegetables. The crocks have a gutter or moat in the rim which is filled with water to create an airlock, which helps keep the food from spoiling and growing mold. The water seal also allows for the fermentation gases to escape without burping, making fermentation croc...
  15. Fastest Growing Peppers Are you looking for the fastest growing peppers? Sandia Seed has some of the fastest growing pepper seeds, if you live in a short season climate or if you just want your peppers sooner, check out our top fastest growing pepper list of seeds we carry below: #1 Fastest Growing Pepper:Sweet Chocolate Bell Pepper These delicious 3-4" chocolate-colored bell peppers are ready for harvest just 57 days after planting! That means these are the fastest growing pepper seeds we carry. They'r...
  16. Rocoto Peppers Have you grown Rocoto peppers yet? These special super hot peppers actually do well in cooler temperatures and prefers temperatures between 45-60˚ F. You can also grow it in partial shade in hotter areas, or even grow it in greenhouses over the winter months (if kept above freezing). The Rocoto Pepper plant grows very tall and is almost vine-like. It it sometimes call the tree pepper and it has beautiful purple flowers, it almost looks tropical! This meaty pepper is HOT, with a Scoville rat...