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  1. Gardening by the Zodiac Signs When it comes to planting in your garden, soil, sun and seasons aren't the only factors to consider. It turns out the the zodiac signs can be just as important. For the best results, they should be considered when choosing plants for your garden. What to plant in your garden according to your zodiac sign. ARIES (March 21 to April 20) You are a fiery, energetic, and quick individual who likes spicy, invigorating plants and foods. Growing onion, garlic chives, basil, cayenne peppers, a...
  2. Growing Peppers in Texas What peppers grow well in Texas? A customer just reached out to us with this question about Growing Peppers in Texas: We love your curated selection of heirloom and native seeds and making them available to people like us! We live in Zone 9a near Galveston,Texas. Our homestead garden is where we test and grow food for ourselves. We grow transplants naturally from seed to sell at markets and have recently started to offer to local nurseries! We are placing an order soon, just wanted to as...
  3. Pepper X Looking for Pepper X seeds? Pepper X is the new Guinness World Record holder for being the world's hottest pepper. But unfortunately, Ed Currie, Pepper X's creator, is NOT selling any seeds so they are not yet available to grow. According to the creator, Pepper X is a patented variety and Pepper X seeds are not going to be available.You can buy his hot sauces with the Pepper X, but not any seeds, plants or pods. He's keeping his baby close for now. Read more about Pepper X, inclu...
  4. NEW Hottest Pepper in the World in 2023 The new Hottest Pepper in the World in 2023 is Pepper X: Looking for the world's hottest pepper? Well, on August 23, 2023, a new pepper has been crowned as the hottest pepper in the world by Guinness World Records! Pepper X, also bred by Ed Currie along with the former champion the Carolina Reaper with 2.2 SHU (Scoville Heat Units), took over as the hottest chili pepper in late 2023, recognized by Guinness World Records, beating the Carolina Reaper by 71,000 Scoville Heat Units! In 2017...
  5. Hot Pepper Tasting We had a great time at our Hot Pepper Tasting Party in Castle Rock, Colorado with Yosh, Siri and Matt – who all bravely tried all the super hot peppers we had in store for them. It is interesting how different peppers taste differently to each person's palate, and how some peppers don't start burning right away. While all three of our tasters like spicy food, none had tried tasting straight super hot peppers on their own, so it was fun seeing the reactions to the different flavors and...
  6. Purple Peppers Looking for purple peppers? We not only have several varieties of purple peppers you can grow, but we also have purple tomatoes, too! Growing purple peppers and tomatoes adds lots of color to the garden and your harvest. We have sweet purple peppers such as the purple bell pepper as well as hot purple peppers like the Purple Bhut Jolokia ghost pepper. You can make a deep purple salsa if you grow some of our purple tomatoes and purple peppers – which is sure to be a spicy delight to ...
  7. How Long do Chilli Plants live? How long do chilli pepper plants live? It depends on the growing conditions, variety, it's location, the weather and your zone. Pepper plants can live anywhere from 1.5 - 15+ years depending on which species. In tropical climates without cold winters, peppers can live for many years and grow into what you would call small trees or shrubs. Read more below about the lifespans of the different species of peppers: Here are the five major varieties of peppers and their typical lifespans if ...
  8. List of Peppers by Heat Here is a list of all of our peppers from around the world based on their heat level, from sweet to super hot!October 2023 Update: The new OFFICIAL hottest pepper in 2023 is Pepper X, which just dehtroned the former champ, the Carolina Reaper. Read more about it »Find the perfect pepper with the just the right amount of heat from this list of over 100 peppers of the world! Click on the peppers below to read about each of them: List of Peppers by Heat Level: PEPPER SCOVILLES Bell C...
  9. Types of Hot Peppers There are a ton of different types of hot peppers! Sandia Seed is all about chile peppers, and we carry over 100 types of peppers from around the world. Try growing a new type of hot pepper this year! We add new varieties each season, so you can grow peppers of the world in your garden! Looking for mild or super spicy peppers or somewhere in-between?View our List of Peppers by Heat » View our full list of all the types of peppers we carry in one place on our online seed catalog »Technical...
  10. Purple Peppers Sandia Seed has a wide variety of purple peppers that you can grow easily from seed! Purple in the garden is always a welcome sight! And, when you use purple peppers in your salads and recipes, they really add some great flavor and color! Our favorite purple peppers include both sweet and hot peppers. To start, we'll introduce you to our purple hot peppers. Our Purple Bhut Jolokia Ghost Peppers start out in beautiful purple then ripen to white/pale green and eventually turn to a deep pur...
  11. Super Hot Pepper Seeds Sandia Seed carries a huge collection of pepper seeds including tons of super hot pepper seeds! If you're looking for the hottest pepper in the world, the Carolina Reaper is the current world-record holder, it's rated to 2+ million Scovilles. We also have lots of other varieties of super hot peppers including several different kinds of Ghost Pepper Seeds (Bhut Jolokias) in many colors, white, yellow, peach, purple, chocolate and red!
  12. Wholesale Seeds Wholesale Seeds for Retailers Are you a local plant nursery, garden center, gift shop or local hardware store and you're looking for wholesale seeds for resale? Sandia Seed offers Wholesale Seeds for all of our 100+ pepper seeds from around the world, plus our favorite 44+ tomato seeds including lots of heirloom varieties from around the world, as well as some super easy-to-grow vegetable seeds. We specialize in customer favorites like the flavorful New Mexican Chile seeds like the Bi...
  13. Fermented vs Unfermented Hot Sauce Fermented vs Unfermented Hot Sauce:Which is better? We think both fermented hot sauce and unfermented hot sauce are delicious. But, if we had to choose one over the other, we'd pick fermented hot sauce. Why? Because fermented hot sauce has a more complex tangy flavor that you can only get by fermenting. It's like a recipe of time, the fermentation "cooks" up more flavor than you could ever get without it. Plus, it has probiotics (like yogurt or kombucha), so it is really good ...
  14. Long Hot Peppers Looking for long hot peppers? We have an assortment of spicy long peppers that are a great addition to your pepper and vegetable garden!One of our favorite long hot peppers is the Goat Horn Hot Pepper. It is quite prolific, and has great red color when fully mature. Here are some photos of a loaded down plant. It can be quite pretty in pots too, larger 5+ gallon pots are best. For other long hot peppers, you can also try growing Cayenne Pepper seeds; or Chile de Arbol seeds, with their b...
  15. Garden Memes Check out our Garden Memes for those who love gardening! My Favorite Sport is Gardening! ...And to my family I leave you these 52,588 garden photos of my phone. 😂 Funny Garden Meme:“Sorry I have plants this weekend” Grow your own food and shorten your food chain! A garden is a friend you can visit any time. If peppers are a fruit, then hot sauce is a smoothie. There is no WiFi in your Garden... but the connections are better! Gardening is my favorite therapy! ...
  16. Growing Chile Seeds in Japan We were excited to get these photos from one of our seed customers, Ryoichi A., in a small village of rural Osaka, Japan. They have been growing our NuMex Heritage Big Jims and other chiles in their beautiful fields. They recently ordered our Aji Limo Lemon Drop Pepper seeds, Serrano Seeds, Poblano Seeds, Red Cherry Hot Seeds, Carolina Reaper Seeds (the hottest pepper in the world!), Tabasco Seeds, NuMex Trick or Treat Habanero seeds (no heat), White Bhut Jolokia seeds, Peach Bhut Jolokia se...