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Sandia Seed Company

Bhut Jolokia Ghost Pepper Seeds

Bhut Jolokia Ghost Pepper Seeds

Regular price $ 3.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 3.99 USD
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Bhut Jolokia Ghost Pepper Seeds – The chile paste is used for everything from hot sauce to bear spray and tear gas. It boasts well over a whopping 1,000,000 Scoville Heat Units. This is the best tasting super hot pepper and is great for fresh salsa, chutney, jerk sauces, and ghost pepper jam! 

This chile became famous by being the first hottest chile on the planet. It creates an intense burning sensation lasting up to 30 minutes, but there is good news. The heat will eventually wear off and it doesn't cause any permanent damage. This landrace pepper is from India and is named after the Indian Cobra. The fierce bite of the pepper is like the venom of this highly venomous snake! These hot peppers are great in our Ghost Pepper Salsa Recipe »

Chile pods are 3” long and 1” wide pods with red-orange dented skin. Good producer of fruit during the growing season. Capsicum chinense (110 days)

Warning: Handling this pepper requires extreme caution. Wear hand, eye and breathing protection. 

Heat Level: Dangerous Hot.   Scoville Heat Units > 1,041,427

~ Packet contains 10 seeds. 

Capsicum chinense strains require a great deal of attention during the germination process. Moisture and a constant and consistent heat range must be maintained. Place the seeds in sterile media and cover 1/4” deep. Provide 85°F bottom heat, bright light and keep moist at all times. Ghost Pepper seeds will germinate in 7 - 21 days. Transplant seedlings into pots and grow until there are 6 true leaves on the plant. Plant them directly into rich soil, 30” apart or into containers. It is good to buy ghost pepper seeds each season, fresh seeds will have the best germination. 


All of our seeds are GMO-free.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews

Wow these were hot. They were amazing in our homemade hot sauce and also in salsa. Lots of pods, we grew them in pots and they did very well.

Abraham Flores

Lots of selection

Kevin McCoy
great poducer of super hot peppers

I always have good luck growing these. The plants are healthy, loaded with peppers, and produce peppers that are consistent in size and heat!

Bart Flentje
Mediocre germination rate but top drawer fruits

I started experimenting with ghost peppers last year as a way to supplement my Hatch chili pepper fetish. I had about a 75% germination rate but of the plants that did produce I was treated with wonderful spoils. But we won't talk about the next day, will we. ;-) The germination rate may or may not be my soil conditions but I did compost my garden first.

Glad you liked these peppers! Super hots like Ghosts are a little more fickle when it comes to germination, and 75% is not bad at all. Warmth and consistent moisture helps improve germination of the super hot peppers, we like to use a seedling heat mat to keep them around 80-90˚ F for best sprouting conditions. Happy growing!

Ghost Pepper Lover
Best Ghost Peppers

These seeds nearly all germinated with a heat mat, and grew into healthy ghost pepper plants that had lots of ghosts for picking! They were great in salsa and I made a batch of hot sauce from them, too.

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