Planting pepper seeds in a tray filled with seedling mix.

When is the best time to plant seeds?

First, what is your area’s last expected frost date? If you don’t know, ask a local gardener, a nearby plant nursery, or do a web search for the frost dates in...

When is the best time to plant seeds?

First, what is your area’s last expected frost date? If you don’t know, ask a local gardener, a nearby plant nursery, or do a web search for the frost dates in...

Best Peppers to Grow

Best Peppers to Grow

Best Peppers to Grow in 2024! Here are our top picks for peppers to grow in your garden. These delicious selections are productive and easy to grow so you'll enjoy...

Best Peppers to Grow

Best Peppers to Grow in 2024! Here are our top picks for peppers to grow in your garden. These delicious selections are productive and easy to grow so you'll enjoy...

Seed Store Locator - Find our Seeds at Garden Centers near you!

Seed Store Locator - Find our Seeds at Garden C...

Sandia Seed Store Locator:Find our Pepper Seeds near you! Did you know that garden centers and shops around the country carry our seeds? Check out our Seed Store Locator Map...

Seed Store Locator - Find our Seeds at Garden C...

Sandia Seed Store Locator:Find our Pepper Seeds near you! Did you know that garden centers and shops around the country carry our seeds? Check out our Seed Store Locator Map...

Happy Groundhog Day! $5 Off Seeds Sale

Happy Groundhog Day! $5 Off Seeds Sale

GET $5 off $40*+ PURCHASES With discount code: SAVENOW Good from February 2-5, 2024  + get free shipping on any orders over $30!  *Discount does not apply to Bulk Seeds or Wholesale Seeds...

Happy Groundhog Day! $5 Off Seeds Sale

GET $5 off $40*+ PURCHASES With discount code: SAVENOW Good from February 2-5, 2024  + get free shipping on any orders over $30!  *Discount does not apply to Bulk Seeds or Wholesale Seeds...

Double Cup Seed Starting

Double Cup Seed Starting

Double Cup Seed Starting is a super easy way to start pepper seeds and vegetable seeds! These red Dixie cups are large and nice and deep, allowing for deep root...

Double Cup Seed Starting

Double Cup Seed Starting is a super easy way to start pepper seeds and vegetable seeds! These red Dixie cups are large and nice and deep, allowing for deep root...

What are the best peppers to grow indoors?

What are the best peppers to grow indoors?

We recently had a customer ask: What is a good pepper to grow indoors? Many peppers can grow great indoors if you have the space and good lighting! If you...

What are the best peppers to grow indoors?

We recently had a customer ask: What is a good pepper to grow indoors? Many peppers can grow great indoors if you have the space and good lighting! If you...