Greetings to the folks at the Sandia Seed Company!
I recently purchased a packet of your padrón seeds. I also happened to get my San Diego garden started early this year as well. As a result I have already had two batches of blackened padróns with coarse sea salt as appetizers for meals. You are receiving a photo of the 2nd batch; ... We all know the first ones didn’t last long from their removal from the evoo they were heated in.
I didn’t see many pictures on your sight for the peppers, before or after being prepared. I wanted to share with you the result of one truly satisfied customer.
Thank you for what you do. Keep up the good work!
Please use this photo at your discretion.
Thanks for such a wonderful product.
- Sam H.

Grow your own Padrón Peppers!
Try growing your Padrón Pepper plants in your garden! Growing Padrón Peppers from seed is easy, and they are very productive plants. Gourmet gardeners will love growing this deliciously famous Spanish heirloom. They are prized for their sweet mild flesh and rich flavor, and make delicious pop in your mouth appetizers. Most will taste sweet, but one may be very spicy! The 24"
Padrón Pepper plants are vigorous and lush, and easy to grow in containers!
Padrón pepper plants are also one of the earliest harvest peppers, with some of the first pods ripening in just 65 days, so they're great for short season gardening or if you start seeds a bit late in the spring. For the earliest harvest, in early spring, start seeds indoors 8 weeks prior to warm nightly temperatures.