How to Roast Chile
Do you grow green chile seeds?
Then you probably will have a great chile harvest to roast.
Here's our top tips on roasting chile at home:
Use your Oven to Roast Chile:
Set your broiler to 425°F, use a metal cookie sheet and arrange your chile pods on the sheet in a single layer. Some people opt to lightly coat chile with olive oil and line your pan with foil, but you don't have to do this, it's optional. We have an old pan we use to roast chiles so we skip the foil, less is more! Place the tray in the upper third of your oven and roast for about 10 minutes – watch them to see that they start to blister and blacken, and turn them to get even an roast on all sides, then take them out of the oven and steam them.
~ OR ~
Here's how to roast green chile on the grill:
preheat your grill on high heat, then simply arrange your clean chile in one layer. Turn the chile pods to get the black charring and blistering evenly on all sides, this usually takes about 8-15 minutes total.
We like to use old pyrex glass baking dishes with glass lids to steam our chile after roasting on the grill. No plastic needed, and it captures all the delicious liquid essences nicely as well. Steaming is important as it helps loosen the skins and cool them off before peeling.

Once cool, it's time to peel the chile. Wear gloves if the chile are spicy-hot! We will pinch or cut off the stem, then peel the skins off and remove the seeds. Don't rinse chile with water, as this washes away the flavor!

It takes time to roast and peel your own chile, but it's totally worth it!