2025 Seed Catalog Cover shown above, finalized with Ristras!
We just sent our 2025 Seed Catalog to the printer! It's packed with seeds for 101 specialty peppers, 59 tomatoes in all sizes, and 42 easy to grow vegetables. Our Seed Catalog also includes lots of growing tips, pepper facts, recipes, a seed planting date guide, and a gardener's planting map for a 12' x 12' garden plot.
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Or, download our 2025 Seed Catalog PDF »
Our seed catalog is packed with seeds, recipes and growing tips, it's perfect for selecting all the seeds you want to grow in your garden next year. Purchase seeds on our website for fast shipping so you can get your next garden started!
View some of our Seed Catalog's inside pages below:
Lots of beautiful photos, gardening tips, and recipes to get your spice on!
We carry a ton of New Mexico Chile varieties, including Hatch Chile seeds in all heat levels, plus Red Chile Seeds like the favorite Chimayo (used in many Ristras) and many more.
If you want to add some spice to your garden, we have 101 peppers in this seed catalog to feast on!
Order our Seed Catalog »
Thanks to our seed catalog designer, Idelle of Picklewix.com, who takes many of the photos in the catalog in addition to designing the pages.
Travel the world of peppers in your garden
with our 100+ Peppers of the World.
Make sure to get your seed catalog packed
with Peppers of the World today!
Order our Seed Catalog »
Happy growing!