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Sandia Seed Company

Chimayo Chile Seeds

Chimayo Chile Seeds

Regular price $ 2.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 2.49 USD
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Chimayo - An heirloom chile grown for generations in the Chimayo Valley of northern New Mexico. This native strain has fantastic red chile flavor. At first it tastes sweet and then medium hot. Its great flavor is the result of hand selection over hundreds of years. The Chimayo red chile sauce is easy to make and delicious on enchiladas and burritos.

Allow the chiles to remain on the plant and mature until almost completely red. The thin skinned pods are 6" -7" long and after harvesting will dry quickly in the sun. Capsicum annuum (75 days) Heirloom - Open-pollinated - Non-GMO

Heat Level: Medium  Scoville 4,000 - 5,000

~ Packet contains 30 seeds. 

In early spring, start seeds indoors 8 weeks prior to warm nightly temperatures. Place the seeds in sterile media and cover 1/4” deep. Provide 85°F bottom heat, bright light and keep moist at all times. Seeds will germinate in 7 - 21 days. Transplant seedlings into pots and grow until there are 6 true leaves on the plant. Plant them directly into rich soil, 30” apart or into large 5 gallon containers. Harvest chiles when they are green. If left on the plant a couple more weeks, the chiles will turn red at full maturity.

All of our seeds are GMO-free.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
Grew these in MI, zone 5a.

Plants were quite bushy and full of peppers. Great flavor. Made a wonderful little Ristra with some of the later harvested peppers. Will continue to grow these yearly.

Growing for Ristras

I've always wanted to grow my own chile and make ristras, I love that they are both decorative and functional! So this past summer I grew your seeds, they germinated quickly in my Aerogarden seed starter tray – and grew into robust plants with lots of pods. I planted mine in 5 gallon pots and they did very well. In the last few weeks I've picked them and strung them into a small Ristra. while my Ristra is not as big as the ones you see at the store, it's still super cute and I can't wait to use the chiles to make enchilada sauce this winter. I am going to try to grow a lot more plants next year so I can make an even bigger Ristra. :) Thank you for the excellent seeds.


I heard about these on NPR – and want to grow them in our garden – I've purchased dried/powdered Chimayo chile before but never have grown them so can't wait to have them fresh! I hope they'll grow well in our Colorado garden. Thanks for the fast shipping, we're excited to grow our own Chimayo chiles!

Marcus Carlson

The Chimayo’ seeds aren’t sprouting as robustly as the green and red Hatch pepper seeds. I hope they continue to grow. Here in NW Montana, the plants won’t go outside until mid-May!

Peggy Stenglein
Perfect chile pepper

This is the perfect chile pepper with heat, but pleasant heat, not set you on fire heat! Perfect to eat fresh or dry. Pretty, prolific, and perfect!

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