“There are no gardening mistakes,
only experiments.”
~ Janet Kilburn Phillips
In the many years of growing chile pepper seeds, tomato seeds, and other vegetables, we've always learned new things every season! To help you along, check out our top tips for avoiding some of the "experiments" with your peppers that won't go so well.
Below is a list of the most common "experiments" we recommend you not try when growing chile pepper seeds. :)
Pepper Growing Tip #1:
Keep seeds warm enough to germinate!
Pepper seeds, especially super hot peppers like the Carolina Reaper seeds, need consistent warmth and moisture to sprout. Using a heat mat to keep the seeds and growing medium at 80-90˚ F will ensure the best and fastest germination. Do not try to sprout peppers in a cold basement or greenhouse that gets cold at night or has temperature swings. You want consistent heat.
Pepper Growing Tip #2:
Chile peppers hate nothing more than wet feet and they will wilt and turn yellow in response and stop growing. Let the growing medium dry out between watering.
Use a small fan on your peppers for a few hours a day to circulate the air. You can also brush your seedlings daily with your hands to encourage them to grow stockier – this will also help avoid spindly seedlings. Keep the light source near the seedlings and keep the light on them for at least 12-16 hours a day. We don't recommend 24 hour lighting, plants need rest, too!
After starting seedlings indoors, it is important to let them slowly acclimate to the outdoor temperature swings, sun rays, and winds. We like to bring them out for a few hours for a few days, leaving them out a little longer each day until we leave them out overnight for a couple nights (over a period of 5-10 days). Then, once they've spent a couple nights outdoors, we will plant them in the early morning or evening so they're not baking in the sun right away. Water them in, but don't overwater and get them soggy! Read more of our top pepper growing tips »