Don't keep a humidity dome over your peppers after they germinate as that can cause damping off and other problems. The rest should still mostly sprout if kept moist. You can also move the ones that haven't germinated under a humidity dome if you can move them, but it's best to let the ones that have germinated breathe and get air circulation.
In fact, after pepper seeds germinate it is wise to add a small fan for a couple hours a day to strengthen the seedlings and make them grow less leggy. Legginess is not just caused by lack of light, but also the lack of movement to stimulate them to grow thicker, stockier stems. You can also just brush them daily a few times by hand. This will stimulate them to put energy into growing stronger stems.
Keep light about 4-6" away if you can from the seedlings. After a 2-3 weeks, and they have grown a few true leaves, you can feed them with a balanced diluted organic fertilizer. Best wishes, looks great so far!