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  1. Wholesale Seeds Sandia Seed offers Wholesale Seeds to anyone who wants to resell seeds in online stores, garden centers, hardware stores, gift shops or other local stores. Sandia Seed offers Wholesale Seeds for all of our 100+ pepper seeds and our top favorite 44+ tomato seeds including lots of heirloom and Vegetable Seeds from around the world. It's easy to become a Sandia Seed seller! We offer new wholesale customers receive 50% off your first order over $300 and then all future reorders with no mini...
  2. Fastest Seed Shipping in the West! Our small seed company is working hard to provide the fastest seed shipping in the West! While other larger seed companies have been backing up with the huge seed demand increase, we've been able to keep on top of orders and ship within 1-3 days of ordering so you'll get your seeds in record time!Plus, for a limited time, get free shipping on our seeds: Click here to apply discount code automatically to your cart: 2021FREESHIPPING*not good with any other discounts, only good for US...
  3. Easiest Peppers to Grow If you haven't planned a garden yet, now is a great time. We have picked out some of the fastest growing peppers which are also of course the easiest to grow so that you can get your garden growing quickly! Here Is Our Favorites List Of TheEasiest Peppers To Grow: Early Jalapeño Seeds Early Jalapeño - The best pepper for short seasons and cooler climates! These are one of the earliest peppers, and everybody loves jalapeños because they can be prepared in so many different ways. Jalapeñ...
  4. Vegan Jalapeno Poppers Recipe You can make your own hummus or use store-bought hummus for this delicious vegan / vegetarian version of Jalapeño Poppers. Vegan Jalapeno Poppers Recipe Ingredients: Make your own Hummus:• 1 can of garbanzo beans (chickpeas), drained • 3-5 garlic cloves • ½ tsp black pepper • ½ tsp red pepper • ¼ cup water • Juice of 1 lemon, plus grate a little of the lemon rind • 2 Tablespoons of Olive oil, Sesame Oil or use Tahini if you have it • 8-10 Jalapenos, sliced in half, seeds r...
  5. Pepper Seed Germination Do you know the secret to germinating pepper seeds? Successful pepper seed germination requires a few things: heat (80˚-90˚ F), consistent moisture, and moderate light. Heat: 80˚-90˚FWarmth is of the utmost importance, and you'll find if you provide heat (such as using a seedling mat or putting somewhere warm), you'll have a much faster & higher germination. Be Patient!Keep in mind that some peppers take longer than others to germinate – the super hot peppers in the Chinense famil...
  6. Is it Too Late to Start Seeds?   No, it’s not too late to plant seeds! You can start seeds year-round. It depends on what you would like to accomplish after planting your seeds. There is short-season gardening, hydroponic growing, indoor gardening, jump-start growing to have huge plants to transplant in spring, etc. Short-Season GardeningBesides peppers and tomatoes, you can start lots of vegetable seeds year-round, depending on your climate, and if you have any winter protection such as cold frames or hoop houses. You ...