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  1. Is the Carolina Reaper the Hottest Pepper in the World? It was. Until August 2023, the Carolina Reaper was the Hottest Pepper in the World. But, Pepper X recently won the crown in August 2023 – averaging at 2.69 million SHU in Winthrop University's past five years of tests. Now, Pepper X is now the champion of hot peppers according to Guinness World Records. There have been other peppers rumoured to be hotter than the Reaper, but none have been proven or have been awarded the Guinness World Record prize until August 2023. Among these peppers ...
  2. Bulk Seed Store If you are looking for a Bulk Seed Store, Sandia Seed offers a large variety of New Mexican Chiles such as bulk Hatch Chile seeds, plus we sell bulk Hot Pepper seeds and Sweet Pepper Seeds. View our Bulk Seeds » We carry a great selection of seeds in our bulk seed store, such as the famous best-selling Bulk Carolina Reaper Seeds (the hottest pepper in the world), Bulk Trinidad Scorpion Seeds (another super hot pepper), or popular New Mexican chile varieties such as Hatch Green Medium C...
  3. Hot Pepper Salsa Tasting Party Idea Salsa Tasting Party If you like salsa like we do, here's an idea: Try our Carolina Reaper Salsa Recipe and other Salsa Recipes, and make three salsas using different hot peppers for each salsa, and then have a salsa tasting party! Make 3 salsas, or more, depending on how many different types of peppers you have to taste. Dried peppers also work great for making salsas, so you can have salsa parties in the off-season months, too! :) Discover our Favorite Salsa Recipes » You could hav...
  4. Carolina Reaper Salsa Recipe Sandia Seed's Carolina Reaper Salsa Recipe This is the hottest salsa you can make with the world's hottest pepper, the wicked Carolina Reaper! Of course, if you like to taste your salsa, you can also add less of the reaper to this recipe. We like to add some, then add more after tasting until we get it just right. Remember, it can also get hotter overnight! We like to make a big batch of this salsa and refrigerate it for snacking on anytime with chips or on tacos, but don't worr...
  5. Super Hot Pepper Seeds Looking for Super Hot Pepper seeds? Sandia Seed has a great collection of super hot pepper seeds, as well as the not-quite-as-hot-but-still-pretty-darn-spicy hot pepper seeds. We have the infamous Carolina Reaper seeds, and the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion seeds, as well as Hatch chile varieties that are super hot like Hatch Green Hot DoubleCross Chile seeds or Hatch Green X-Hot Lumbre Green Chile seeds, or Barkers Hot Hatch Green chile seeds. Growing super hot peppers from seed is one of the...
  6. Hottest Pepper in the World As of October 2023, Pepper X has been declared by Guinness World Records as the hottest pepper in the world! Read more about the new hottest pepper in the world in 2023 » The hottest pepper in the world up until October 2023 was the Carolina Reaper! In October 2023, the Guinness World Records declared Ed Currie's Pepper X the hottest pepper in the world. Can you buy Pepper X seeds? Not yet.Read more about the new hot pepper record » Time will tell if another pepper can stand up to thei...