Got squash bugs? If you plant Nasturtiums with your Zucchini and Squash plants, they are known to help to decrease the number of squash bugs! Plus, the Nasturtiums' leaves, flowers and their seed pods are beautiful and edible, too. Some people pickle the green Nasturtium seedpods to use them like capers. Nasturtium flowers can be added to lettuce salads, both the flowers and the leaves have a nice sweet and peppery horseradish-like flavor. The enchanting flowers also attract pollinators. So what's not to like?
You can also plant Marigolds, Cilantro, Basil and Oregano, Lavender and Echinacea near your zucchini or squash plants as their blooms will attract beneficial insects and pollinators and help keep squash pests at bay.
Happy growing!