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  1. Are peppers herbs or spices? Herbs are typically considered the leafy part of the plant, such as basil, rosemary, thyme, parsley, cilantro, and oregano. Spices, on the other hand, are typically come from the root, stem, seed, fruit, flower or bark of a plant or tree. So peppers are usually considered a spice, and they are also a fruit. Although, as with many things, these terms aren't always black and white...Peppers are also considered herbs. In fact, the International Herb Society deemed that peppers were the Her...
  2. What is so special about Aleppo pepper? What is so special about Aleppo pepper?The Aleppo pepper was named the Herb of the Month by the Herb Society of America in September 2023 because of it's outstanding qualities. The Aleppo pepper is delicious as it's mildly spicy and wonderfully sweet – reminiscent of sun-dried tomatoes or raisins combined with cumin and fruity citrus. Their rich flavor and color add depth to any dish – so make sure to grow Aleppo peppers in your garden to store in your spice cabinet! They dry easily a...
  3. Salsa Garden Layout SALSA GARDEN LAYOUT Salsa Garden Layout If you're planning a Salsa Garden, here's some tips! Give tomato plants a lot of space! You can plant jalapenos closer together as they don't grow as large as tomato plants. Make sure to give them enough room away from the tomatoes so they don't get engulfed! Cilantro and Green onions can be grown along the sides of your garden as a border or in between the tomatoes and peppers. We put together this sample Salsa Garden Layout above – bu...
  4. Hottest Pepper in the World in 2023 Oct 2023 Update:Pepper X just won the Guinness crown in late 2023.Read about this NEW Hottest Pepper in the World in 2023 » The Hottest Pepper in the World in before October 2023 was the Carolina Reaper* This world-record-holding popular super hot pepper is the star of many hot sauces and salsas as it adds intense heat and flavor and makes your taste buds sing (or scream, depending on how much you consume!) Carolina Reaper PepperScoville Heat Units:1,500,000 - 2,000,000The hottest pepper...
  5. Hot Honey Recipe Red Chile Infused Honey Recipe This Hot Honey Recipe is great for spicing up your biscuits! Ingredients: 5 dried Chile de Arbol 2 dried Chipotle peppers (smoke-dried Jalapenos) 2 dried Guajillo 2 c Wildflower honey or honey of your choice ¼ tsp salt Directions: Rough chop all your chiles to mor heat and flavor. In medium saucepan bring honey, chile, and salt up to 180 degrees. Let cook at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, make sure the heat is not to high or else your honey will boil over and ...
  6. What are the easiest peppers to grow? What are the easiest peppers to grow? We think most peppers are easy to grow, but growing faster growing peppers can help improve your success, especially in shorter growing seasons. The fastest germinating peppers are typically in the Capsicum Annuum family, so we'd say they are easiest to grow. This is a big family of peppers, so for an easier garden, you can grow fast-growing jalapeño seeds, serrano seeds, cayenne seeds, Anaheim chile seeds, Hatch chile seeds, and poblano seeds. A cou...
  7. Biggest Pepper in the World Want to grow the worlds largest pepper? Look no further than the Big Jim Chile, which holds the crown in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the biggest pepper in the world! Often exceeding 14 inches in length, this giant chile is sure to please with it's delicious smokey & buttery flavor after roasting. These extra-large peppers are also super fast growing, so you can start harvesting giant chile pods starting at just 78 days after starting seeds! We love using roasted Big J...
  8. Hatch Chile & Basil Pesto Recipe Spicy Hatch Chile & Basil Pesto Recipe: Roasted Hatch Chile (peeled, deseeded)Basil (you could also use Cilantro)1-2 Tablespoons of Olive OilLots of Garlic ClovesWalnutsSalt & Pepper to tasteSqueeze of lemon or limeBlend all ingredients together in a food processor. We use whatever we have on hand, you can make a big batch or a small batch, and vary up the ingredient proportions - every batch is unique to what we have to work with. You can also substitute out the walnuts for pine nuts...
  9. Fresh vs Dried Pepper Names Fresh vs Dried Pepper Names:Did you know peppers have different names depending on whether they are fresh or dried/smoked? Read on... Here are some common dried pepper names: Dried Jalapeños = ChipotleDried Poblanos = AnchoDried Anaheim Chile = Colorado or CaliforniaDried Mirasol = GuajilloDried Serrano = Chile Seco*(or more specifically: balin, chico, tipico and largo)Dried Chilaca = PasillaDried Chile de Arbol = Chile Seco* Of course, the names above can vary depending on the part of ...
  10. Fruity Hot Peppers Here's a question from one of our seed customers asking aboutfruity hot peppers:"I enjoy the earthy flavor of jalapeños on occasions. They’re perfect with tacos but for sauces I prefer habaneros or something more fruity. Can you recommend some of your peppers that have a fruity flavor?" Answer: There are many types of hot peppers. For hot peppers with fruity flavors, Habaneros are always a good bet – check out our Red Caribbean Habanero or try growing our Orange Habanero with ...
  11. Growing Chili Peppers in Pots Growing Chili Peppers in Pots is a great way to expand your pepper garden! Potted pepper plants can be started earlier in the season, and you can bring them in if a late or early frost is forecasted so that you can have a longer harvest season. Some people even bring in their pepper plants and grow them year-round by keeping them under lights in the winter months indoors. Or, if they're even luckier and live in warmer frost-free regions, they don't have to bring in their pepper plants...
  12. Zucchini: The most abundant crop! It's open season for zucchini! Do you grow the infamous Black Beauty Zucchini summer squash? Black Beauty produces a huge crop of tender zucchini squash during the summer. Harvest zucchini squash when the fruits are small. This will result in a more tender and flavorful squash. Easy to grow and a great choice for the beginner gardener. These are one of the first of the summer vegetables to harvest, and one of the last – they just keep coming all summer long! And, they're super fas...
  13. No-Peel Tomato Sauce Recipe Yes, you can leave skin on tomatoes when making sauce! Just use a food processor to transform whole tomatoes into sauce. This saves lots of time from having to boil the tomatoes first to loosen the skin enough to peel. We also figure keeping the skins on retains all the vitamins and minerals that the skin contains. The main reason people peel tomatoes for sauce is that if not processed, then you get little curled up skins in your sauce. But a food processor grinds them all up and even makes a...
  14. How to Roast Chile How to Roast Chile Do you grow green chile seeds? Then you probably will have a great chile harvest to roast. Here's our top tips on roasting chile at home: Use your Oven to Roast Chile:Set your broiler to 425°F, use a metal cookie sheet and arrange your chile pods on the sheet in a single layer. Some people opt to lightly coat chile with olive oil and line your pan with foil, but you don't have to do this, it's optional. We have an old pan we use to roast chiles so we skip...
  15. Best Salt Substitute: Hot Peppers! Watching your salt intake? One of our favorite ways to spice up a dish without salt is none other than hot peppers! Any spicy peppers are a great way to get your tastebuds excited about anything you eat. We love growing hot peppers and then drying them and crushing into hot pepper flakes or powder so that we can sprinkle flavor on anything including sandwiches, soups, tacos, burritos, wraps, burgers, pizza, you name it!! Clean Salt-Substitute: The great thing about hot pepper flakes is that ...
  16. Fastest Growing Hot Peppers Looking for the Fastest Growing Super Hot Peppers? The challenge of growing super hot peppers is that you need a long growing season. In short season garden zones, it's sometimes hard to get the hottest pepper plants to produce ripe pods before the first frosts hit in the fall. And, super hot pepper plants also thrive in very warm conditions, so in some areas it's hard to get the super hots to ripen before the cold weather hits. Looking for sweet or mild peppers, too? Check out our F...