Can you leave skin on tomatoes when making sauce?Can you leave skin on tomatoes when making sauce? Why yes, you can! NO-PEEL TOMATO SAUCE RECIPE:INGREDIENTS:• Tomatoes (as many as you have) • Diced onion • Diced garlic (more is better!) • Minced carrots and celery (optional but good!) • Fresh (or dried) Herbs such as Basil, Parsley Thyme, Rosemary • Salt and Pepper to taste Just core, slice in half and process the tomatoes in a food processor until smooth. Fry up some diced garlic, celery and onions (and carrots too for sweetness) in ...
GMO Purple Tomato vs. Traditional Breeding Indigo RoseGMO Purple Tomatoes: As home gardeners page through seed catalogs and pick out their favorite heirlooms, there is a new seed that has never been available to them before: a GMO tomato the color of a concord grape with bright fluorescent-like plum-colored flesh. This purple fruit, named the ‘Purple Tomato’, is the first genetically modified food crop that is now directly marketed to home gardeners. Historic. The tomato is purple because its creators at Norfolk Plant Sciences worked for about 2...
2023 Seed CatalogMake sure to check out our colorful 2023 Seed Catalog that is filled with seeds, recipes and more. We are so proud of our Sandia Seed Seed Catalog that is packed with heirloom seeds and organic seeds for peppers of the world, plus tons of tomato seeds and vegetable seeds, too! The new seed catalog also features new pepper recipes to try with your harvest! Order our Seed Catalog today! Our 2023 Seed Packets & Seed Catalogs are ready to ship! Here's a sneak peak at some of our Seed C...
2022 Seed CatalogCheck out Sandia Seed's brand new 2022 Seed Catalog that we just designed and got back from the printer! Our 2022 Seed Catalog is packed with seeds for some of your favorites like our Hatch Chile seeds, plus several new peppers of the world, plus organic vegetable seeds and heirloom tomato seeds. Our pepper-packed 2022 Seed Catalog is printed and is now shipping!Check out the 2022 Seed Catalog, it's packed with recipes, growing tips and lots of seeds! Perfect for winter-ti...
Wholesale Seed PacketsWholesale Seed Packets from Sandia Seed: Sandia Seed offers Wholesale Seed Packets to shops and plant nurseries around the country! We have a great Wholesale Seed program for plant nurseries, garden centers, gift shops and local hardware stores!Sandia Seed offers Wholesale Seeds for peppers of the world, including over 100+ pepper seeds and some of our favorite 44+ tomato seeds including lots of heirloom and organic varieties from around the world. Sandia Seed specializes in New Mexican C...
2021 Seed Catalog is at the Printer!Sandia Seed's brand new 2021 Seed Catalog is at the Printer and should be arriving to be ready to ship out in a couple weeks in early January. So, if you are looking for something exciting to grow, you have found the right place. Enjoy our new 2021 Seed Catalog and we hope you find a new variety to grow along with your favorites. Sandia Seed expands our seed catalog every year to meet demand for different and unique peppers. This year is no different with 8 new seed varieties. Here at Sa...
Favorite Tomato VarietiesOne of our favorite tomato varieties is the Berkeley Tie-Dye Tomato. Surprisingly, this large beefsteak tomato with beautiful metallic green stripes may not only be one of the prettiest tomatoes you can grow, it is also great for short-season gardens! The flesh is pink with yellow streaks and the flavor is outstanding - sweet, rich, dark heirloom tomato flavor. Despite their large size, these tomatoes are ready for harvest in just 65-75 days (compare that to other beefsteaks which usually ran...
Pepper Seed CompaniesSandia Seed is proud to be one of the best Pepper Seed Companies! We offer over 100 peppers of the world – including lots of rare pepper seeds, hot pepper seeds, sweet pepper seeds, the infamous varieties of red and green chile seeds from New Mexico, Ghost pepper seeds, and so many more. If you're looking to grow a big pepper garden from seeds, make sure to check out all of our seeds. We also have organic pepper seeds, yellow pepper seeds, heirloom pepper seeds, and even have seeds for th...
Ultra-Early Tomato PlantsLooking to grow ultra-early tomato plants because you live in a short season, or are starting seeds late? Check out all of our ultra-early tomato seeds, perfect for getting early season tomatoes. Tomatoes are tender plants that are easily damaged by cold weather and frosts, so growing early tomatoes that start to ripen in less than 60 days makes for success. Some of these are some of the best heirloom tomatoes to grow, too! THE BEST ULTRA-EARLY TOMATOES: Ultra-early & delicious ...
Early Tomato VarietiesLooking for Early Tomato Varieties? We have lots of early tomato seeds to grow in your garden. For gardeners with short season climates with early cold weather wiping out the summer garden in early autumn, rather than growing tomatoes that have a long growing season, it's best to grow short season tomatoes. Tomatoes are very tender plants that are easily damaged by frosts, so growing early tomato seeds and starting the indoors to give them a head-start is the best way to get red tomatoes ...
FREE SHIPPING - SEEDSClick here to apply discount code automatically to your cart: 2020FREESHIPPING(*not good with any other discounts, only good for USA customers) Sandia Seed specializes in peppers from around the world including the prized varieties of Hatch Green Chile seeds, as well as heirloom tomato seeds, and the easiest vegetable seeds. Learn more about How To Grow Peppers » Find lots of Garden Recipes » Find lots of growing tips in our Blog » Happy growing!
Is it too late to plant tomato seeds?Is it too late to start tomatoes? Definitely not. You can plant tomato seeds anytime in the spring. Many people around here don’t sow them until April, as they are fast germinators and fast growers. We find they do even better when they are planted in the ground when they're younger (after it warms up and all chance of frost has passed, of course). We are in the West, so we typically start our Tomato seeds in late March or in April. How early you start them depends on how much room you ...
Easiest Peppers to GrowIf you haven't planned a garden yet, now is a great time. We have picked out some of the fastest growing peppers which are also of course the easiest to grow so that you can get your garden growing quickly! Here Is Our Favorites List Of TheEasiest Peppers To Grow: Early Jalapeño Seeds Early Jalapeño - The best pepper for short seasons and cooler climates! These are one of the earliest peppers, and everybody loves jalapeños because they can be prepared in so many different ways. Jalap...
Tomato Plant Problems - Yellow LeavesCommon Seed Customer Question:“Why are some of my tomato seedlings are looking yellow?” If your tomato plants leaves are turning yellow, this could be from a wide variety of reasons, however, before we go on, we have one thing to note: If the first leaves on your tomato seedings (called “cotyledons”) are turning yellow and falling off, don't worry! This is a normal part of seedling development, once the raggedy “true” tomato leaves appear, the first two cotyledon leaves may drop off on...
Small Seed CompanySupporting small seed companies is a great way to diversify your garden and the world's seed diversity! To help keep seeds available for your vegetable garden that are not associated with GMOs, Bayer / Monsanto, then purchasing your seeds from small seed companies that sell non-GMO and Heirloom seeds is a small way you can help. Sandia Seed is a small seed company started by Patsy Coles, who loves growing New Mexican green chiles. She founded Sandia Seed as she found it was hard to get Ne...
Seed CatalogsMake sure to check our our new Seed Catalog, packed with peppers and heirloom tomatoes.Safe Seed Pledge:We support the Safe Seed Pledge. As signers, we pledge that we do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds or plants. We wish to support agricultural progress that leads to healthier soils, genetically diverse agricultural ecosystems and ultimately people and communities. Our seeds are non-GMO and untreated. We have over 100 pepper seeds and 44 tomato seeds to look through, ...
These fabulous peppers added lots of color to our patio pots. So pretty in multiple colors, plus you can pick them and add to salsa for a nice spicy kick. These are fun in any ornamental edible garden.
We let these hang dry, then ground them up – they made the tastiest pepper flakes. They have a nice kick, but good flavor too. Easy to grow plants, pretty peppers.
Great seeds, good germination, plants grow quickly and produce lots of pods for roasting. Great flavor and just the right amount of spice. We grow these every year in our garden in Utah.
I tried these purple Cherokee seeds on 2024. This is the first time growing these purple Cherokees and were amazed at the ease of germination and taste
These germinated in two days. I started them in midsummer and they fruited by late fall in my zone 10b garden and are overwintering just fine. I’ll have more to harvest by late spring. I made my red sauce for pozole for Christmas with my harvest!
Big Chiles with just enough heat to add to green enchilada's. The flavor after roasting is fantastic. Since green chile roasting is not a local thing in Eastern Washington we us a weed burner. The smell of roasting peppers is heavenly.
My favorite green chili to grow. Plenty of heat and after roasting sit perfectly on a hamburger. Also my wonderful wife makes Puelo Chili jam that is a real crowd pleaser
Plants were quite bushy and full of peppers. Great flavor. Made a wonderful little Ristra with some of the later harvested peppers. Will continue to grow these yearly.
These plants were super healthy all season long and produced a LOT of fruit. They'll add heat and color to any dish. They made my cowboy candy and pickled jalapeños extra special!
Very good germination rate and super abundant and delicious peppers!. I had them in 10g and 5g fabric pots and they very well the last two years. Amazing to smoke and dry / freeze to have throughout the year! I just made a spicy brown porter mustard with scotch bonnets! Also made an amazing roasted scotch bonnet hot sauce! yum!