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  1. What is a Hatch Chile? What is a Hatch chile pepper? Wondering why they are called Hatch chiles? These unique green chiles are called Hatch Chile because they are grown in in the Hatch region of New Mexico. Technically, to be called a true Hatch Chile, these have to be grown in the Hatch region of New Mexico. The soil and climate in the Hatch region is known to create the perfect conditions for the best tasting chile unlike any other. If you get a chance to taste Hatch Green Chile grown in the Hatch region in New ...
  2. Growing Peppers in Texas What peppers grow well in Texas? A customer just reached out to us with this question about Growing Peppers in Texas: We love your curated selection of heirloom and native seeds and making them available to people like us! We live in Zone 9a near Galveston,Texas. Our homestead garden is where we test and grow food for ourselves. We grow transplants naturally from seed to sell at markets and have recently started to offer to local nurseries! We are placing an order soon, just wanted to as...
  3. Best Peppers to Grow Best Peppers to Grow in 2024! Here are our top picks for peppers to grow in your garden. These delicious selections are productive and easy to grow so you'll enjoy a colorful and tasty harvest of peppers in 2024. 1. Jimmy Nardello So delicious and so productive. It is an old-school heirloom that is just an absolute winner. These tasty sweet peppers can be used for stir fry and pasta sauces. 2. Cayenne Ring of Fire Beautiful pepper that matures early and is spicy! It has a wonderful cayen...
  4. NEW Hottest Pepper in the World in 2023 The new Hottest Pepper in the World in 2023 is Pepper X: Looking for the world's hottest pepper? Well, on August 23, 2023, a new pepper has been crowned as the hottest pepper in the world by Guinness World Records! Pepper X, also bred by Ed Currie along with the former champion the Carolina Reaper with 2.2 SHU (Scoville Heat Units), took over as the hottest chili pepper in late 2023, recognized by Guinness World Records, beating the Carolina Reaper by 71,000 Scoville Heat Units! In 2017...
  5. Hot Pepper Tasting We had a great time at our Hot Pepper Tasting Party in Castle Rock, Colorado with Yosh, Siri and Matt – who all bravely tried all the super hot peppers we had in store for them. It is interesting how different peppers taste differently to each person's palate, and how some peppers don't start burning right away. While all three of our tasters like spicy food, none had tried tasting straight super hot peppers on their own, so it was fun seeing the reactions to the different flavors and...
  6. Spots on Pepper Leaves Do you have spots on your pepper plant's leaves?Spots on peppers leaves could be from a few different things. Common ailments of peppers is called pepper leaf spot or bacterial spot. This ailment that creates spotted leaves on peppers occurs commonly in humid, wet weather. This purple bell pepper plant above has the common Bacterial leaf spot. Don't despair, you should still get plenty of peppers despite this issue! Bacterial leaf spot is a common ailment of peppers that is cause...
  7. How to Grow Bell Peppers Wondering How to Grow Bell Peppers?Here are our top tips for Growing Bell Peppers: Bell peppers are relatively easy to grow, but here are a few tips so you can have the best success! First, plant pepper seeds at least 8-10 weeks before your area's last frost date. Plant seeds in pre-moistened well-draining seedling starter mix and bury the seeds about 1/4" deep. Use a seedling heat mat to speed up germination – this will help keep the seeds warm, ideally 80-90˚ F is optimal for fast...
  8. Largest Peppers Looking to grow the world’s Largest Peppers? World’s Largest Pepper If you're looking for the world record largest pepper, look no further than the Big Jim chile – this humongous pepper is the current Guinness Book of World Record holder for being the largest chile pepper in the world! These giant peppers can grow up to 14" in length, but typically range from 8-10". Because of their large size, they are easy to roast and peel for the most excellent green chile! This, the larges...
  9. Ornamental Hot Peppers Ornamental hot peppers are a great addition to any garden. They add beauty and spice and everything nice! As a vegetable gardener, you probably want to have a beautiful veggie garden! So why not grow some ornamental peppers to add pops of color and beauty! We have a whole selection of ornamental hot peppers that will look great in your landscape, plus you can harvest them for spicing up salsas, hot sauces, sandwiches, burgers, burritos, soups, stews, stir fries, you name it! The rainb...
  10. What type of peppers does Mezzetta use? Cascabellas! What type of peppers does Mezzetta use? Mezzetta™ Hot Chili Peppers (those jars of spicy yellow pickled peppers) are made from Cascabella peppers. The hot and delicious yellow peppers that they put into jars of Mezzetta Hot Chili Peppers are grown in Northern California, but did you know that you can grow them in your own backyard? They're easy to start from Cascabella seeds! The bonus to homegrown Cascabella peppers is that you can ensure that they are organic (Mezzetta also has a li...
  11. How deep should a container be for Peppers? Peppers have fairly large root systems, so the deeper the container, the better for healthy plants, and larger harvests. We recommend at least 14" deep, with an ideal depth of 18-24" (think whiskey barrel size.) For the best harvests and healthy plants, we like to plant pepper plants in deep beds, we recommend 18-24" of soil depth. Small peppers (less than one foot high) can grow well in two-gallon containers, but bigger plants need at least five-gallon pots, and all peppers th...
  12. Types of Hot Peppers There are a ton of different types of hot peppers! Sandia Seed is all about chile peppers, and we carry seeds for over 101 types of peppers from around the world. Try growing a new type of hot pepper this year! We add new varieties each season, so you can grow peppers of the world in your garden! Looking for mild or super spicy peppers or somewhere in-between?View our List of Peppers by Heat » View our full list of all the types of peppers we carry in one place on our online seed catalog »...
  13. Disease-resistant Peppers Peppers in general are easy to grow and suffer from less diseases than most other vegetables. However, they can get diseases, so it's wise to practice good growing methods. To keep disease at bay, plant peppers with adequate spacing so there is good air circulation. Use supports to keep their branches off the ground, and prune off bottom leaves or branches near soil to help keep air circulation up and keep your pepper plants healthy. It's also great to mulch with grass clippings or le...
  14. What is the fastest growing pepper? Wondering what is the fastest growing pepper? We love peppers at Sandia Seed, and we carry the fastest growing pepper seeds for people who want peppers sooner in the summer, and for those who live in short season climates. As this season comes to a close, many gardeners find that some of the longer-season peppers did not ripen before the first frost set in. Growing any of our favorite fastest growing peppers will ensure you'll have plenty of ripe peppers before the temperatures drop! Re...
  15. Different types of Jalapeno Peppers Jalapeños:There’s not just one kind! We have not just one but TEN different kinds of Jalapeños! Grow any of these jalapeño seeds in your garden for adding to salsas, hot sauces, making jalapeño poppers, pickled jalapenos, and other recipes! Jalapeños are some of the easiest peppers to grow from seed, and many of them are some of the earliest peppers to harvest – so they're great for shorter growing seasons. These productive and pretty plants grow well in large containers, too! Growing d...
  16. Types of Habaneros - Listed by Heat! Types of Habaneros: We think Habaneros are one of the best tasting hot peppers, and we have many varieties of Habaneros that you can grow in your garden! Habaneros are aromatic chile peppers with intense and pungent heat. Their spicy heat and citrusy fresh flavor go well with so many foods, and they make delicious hot sauces and salsas. Habaneros are easy to grow, and do great in pots. How many different types of Habanero peppers are there?There are many varieties of Habaneros, we have listed...