New Mexico Chile SubstituteSome good New Mexico Chile substitutes include Anaheim Chile or Guajillo Chile, Chile de Arbol, which are related to New Mexico Chiles (in the same Capsicum annuum species) and can provide great flavor to your chile dishes. The Anaheim Chile – also known as California chile or Magdalena, is a medium-sized mild chile used in Southwestern cuisines – is actually the granddaddy of all the current New Mexico green chile pod types! It was originally known as New Mexico No. 9, developed by Dr. Fabi...
Spots on Pepper LeavesDo you have spots on your pepper plant's leaves?Spots on peppers leaves could be from a few different things. Common ailments of peppers is called pepper leaf spot or bacterial spot. This ailment that creates spotted leaves on peppers occurs commonly in humid, wet weather. This purple bell pepper plant above has the common Bacterial leaf spot. Don't despair, you should still get plenty of peppers despite this issue! Bacterial leaf spot is a common ailment of peppers that is cause...
When to Plant Pepper SeedsWhen to Plant Pepper Seeds Many of our customers ask us "Is now a good time to start pepper seeds?" – and we always say it depends on where you are and what your seed starting setup is like. We typically recommend that pepper seeds be started indoors 8 to 10 weeks before the last average frost date. Depending on where you live, the time to plant peppers and other warm-weather vegetables like tomatoes is usually late May or early June, but can be earlier for warmer regions. We don'...
Ornamental Hot PeppersOrnamental hot peppers are a great addition to any garden. They add beauty and spice and everything nice! As a vegetable gardener, you probably want to have a beautiful veggie garden! So why not grow some ornamental peppers to add pops of color and beauty! We have a whole selection of ornamental hot peppers that will look great in your landscape, plus you can harvest them for spicing up salsas, hot sauces, sandwiches, burgers, burritos, soups, stews, stir fries, you name it! The rainb...
Pepper SeedsLooking for Pepper Seeds? Sandia Seed offers a great selection of pepper seeds, from sweet pepper seeds to hot pepper seeds. We have bell pepper seeds, as well as cayenne pepper seeds and poblano pepper seeds.Sandia Seed is part of a sustainable movement to change the way the world buys seeds. We offer heirloom & open-pollinated seeds that are not readily available from large seed companies. Today’s gardeners can grow them and keep their unique genetic makeup viable for future generations...
How deep do Hatch Chile roots grow?We often get this question from gardeners, especially those with raised beds: “How deep do Hatch Chile roots grow?” A:For the best harvests and healthy plants, we like to plant green chile plants in deep beds, we recommend 18-24" of soil depth.Many larger chile plants, such as the Legacy Big Jim, grow to a height of 30" so having a deep root system helps them stay strong to hold up those huge green chile pods. How deep can pepper plants' roots grow?Typically most larger pepper...
Types of Hot PeppersThere are a ton of different types of hot peppers! Sandia Seed is all about chile peppers, and we carry seeds for over 101 types of peppers from around the world. Try growing a new type of hot pepper this year! We add new varieties each season, so you can grow peppers of the world in your garden! Looking for mild or super spicy peppers or somewhere in-between?View our List of Peppers by Heat » View our full list of all the types of peppers we carry in one place on our online seed catalog »...
Should I Plant a Garden?Of course you should plant a garden! Gardening is one of the most wonderful things you can do with your time. Once you plant a seed and watch it grow into beautiful flowers, or a huge tomato plant or a robust pepper plant loaded with green chiles, you will fall in love with gardening. When you pick your first vegetable or fruit to eat, it's an amazing feeling of accomplishment and gratitude. When you see the first bumblebee visiting the flowers blooming in your native garden, you will ex...
Disease-resistant PeppersPeppers in general are easy to grow and suffer from less diseases than most other vegetables. However, they can get diseases, so it's wise to practice good growing methods. To keep disease at bay, plant peppers with adequate spacing so there is good air circulation. Use supports to keep their branches off the ground, and prune off bottom leaves or branches near soil to help keep air circulation up and keep your pepper plants healthy. It's also great to mulch with grass clippings or le...
What is the fastest growing pepper?Wondering what is the fastest growing pepper? We love peppers at Sandia Seed, and we carry the fastest growing pepper seeds for people who want peppers sooner in the summer, and for those who live in short season climates. As this season comes to a close, many gardeners find that some of the longer-season peppers did not ripen before the first frost set in. Growing any of our favorite fastest growing peppers will ensure you'll have plenty of ripe peppers before the temperatures drop! Re...
Peppers for PicklingWhat are the best peppers for pickling? What kind of peppers are used in pickling?Most peppers work great for pickling, but some of our favorites for pickling include Wax Peppers such as Banana Peppers, Hot Hungarian Wax Peppers, Sweet Hungarian Wax Peppers, Cascabellas, Sweet Cherry peppers, Hot Cherry Peppers, Fresno peppers, and of course any Jalapeno makes a great pickled pepper. Pickling peppers is a great way to use up a lot of peppers and preserve the harvest! Here are some of our f...
Fastest Growing VegetablesDo you want to grow the Fastest Growing Vegetables? Here are our top suggestions for the fastest growing crops that you can start from seed: Radish – Harvest in 22+ Days!The classic Cherry Bell Radish is super easy to grow and it is one of the fastest growing vegetables you can plant!. Simply direct sow the seeds in fluffy soil, keep them moist and watch them sprout in just 5-7 days depending on soil and weather conditions. They grow quickly into pretty 1" cherry red globes that a...
Pepper SeedsPepper Seeds Sandia Seed carries over 100 peppers of the world that you can grow in your garden! Our seeds have very high germination rates and grow into a variety of peppers that are sure to please any pepper lover! We also specialize in New Mexican Chile seeds such as Hatch Chile seeds, Poblano seeds, and other New Mexican favorites.Want sweet, mild, hot or super hot pepper seeds?We got you covered on pepper seeds with every heat level, from no heat at all to wicked hot. Here is a list of o...
Planting PeppersPlanting Peppers Tips Winter is the time for dreaming! Next season for our pepper garden, we plan to plant a wide variety of peppers, including some Habaneros, Habanadas (no-heat all flavor Habaneros - which we think have the best flavor in hot sauce!), Cayennes, Jalapenos, Sriracha peppers, Banana Peppers, Shishitos, Mini Bells, and several Hatch chile varieties, of course! Can't wait to see some happy little seedlings again. Planting Peppers From Seeds: The trick to successfully s...
How to Grow Green Peppers from SeedsHow to Grow Green Peppers from Seeds 1. Use Fresh SeedsGreen pepper seeds can last up to 25 years in perfect conditions, but using the seeds within 2-5 years will give you the best germination rates. The older the seeds get, the less likely they will sprout. Store seeds in a cool, dark, dry environment – and plant them as soon as you can – the more years that go by, the less seeds will germinate, so you'll want to plant more seeds if they get to be more than 3-5 years old to ensure eno...
Winter SowingWinter Sowing We just learned about Winter Sowing a couple years ago, it's a wonderful way to start seeds using recycled containers outside! With winter sowing, you don't need room inside to start seeds, you can start them outdoors in the winter/spring months with recycled jugs and other containers. These containers serve as miniature greenhouses that do an incredible job of germinating all sorts of seeds including vegetables, herbs, and native plants. Winter Sowing Seeds in...
These fabulous peppers added lots of color to our patio pots. So pretty in multiple colors, plus you can pick them and add to salsa for a nice spicy kick. These are fun in any ornamental edible garden.
We let these hang dry, then ground them up – they made the tastiest pepper flakes. They have a nice kick, but good flavor too. Easy to grow plants, pretty peppers.
Great seeds, good germination, plants grow quickly and produce lots of pods for roasting. Great flavor and just the right amount of spice. We grow these every year in our garden in Utah.
I tried these purple Cherokee seeds on 2024. This is the first time growing these purple Cherokees and were amazed at the ease of germination and taste
These germinated in two days. I started them in midsummer and they fruited by late fall in my zone 10b garden and are overwintering just fine. I’ll have more to harvest by late spring. I made my red sauce for pozole for Christmas with my harvest!
Big Chiles with just enough heat to add to green enchilada's. The flavor after roasting is fantastic. Since green chile roasting is not a local thing in Eastern Washington we us a weed burner. The smell of roasting peppers is heavenly.
My favorite green chili to grow. Plenty of heat and after roasting sit perfectly on a hamburger. Also my wonderful wife makes Puelo Chili jam that is a real crowd pleaser
Plants were quite bushy and full of peppers. Great flavor. Made a wonderful little Ristra with some of the later harvested peppers. Will continue to grow these yearly.
These plants were super healthy all season long and produced a LOT of fruit. They'll add heat and color to any dish. They made my cowboy candy and pickled jalapeños extra special!
Very good germination rate and super abundant and delicious peppers!. I had them in 10g and 5g fabric pots and they very well the last two years. Amazing to smoke and dry / freeze to have throughout the year! I just made a spicy brown porter mustard with scotch bonnets! Also made an amazing roasted scotch bonnet hot sauce! yum!